Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

, Expojt:on upon the Lords prd er. 20, were by a mightietrine, drawes his elect into hiskingdome , and fafhions them to all holyobedience. The power and authoritie is that whereby CIAO fconuertseffe6lually thole which are tobee unmated by the inward operationofhis fpirit,andglorifies himfelfein the confufonofthe ref+. Kingdome being taken thus fpecially,is alfo twofold. The first is theking- domeofg;ace,ofwhichmention ismade, Rom. r+ r 7. The kingdoms ofGod ands notin incase anddrink,,6s,t ins righteaar nefe: that is,the affuraneeofour . iuflification beforeGod intherighteoufne(fe ofChriít; Peaceofconfcience, which procecdes from this affitrance; and lay intheholyÿhoft, which comes from them both. In this kingdome all men line not, but oncly thofe that are fubic,ï toChrifl,obedient to the lawsof hiskingdome, and ruledby his au- thorizie,andare continually taught inhis word byhis [pint. But thole that re- fute to liueaccording to theLuxes ofthis king,and choofe toline at their owne Íibertie, r., in the k:nE,dorne ofdarknef1è,that is,finne and Satan. The fc ond is thekingdome atglorie in [reauer', which is the bleifed eflate ofall Gods peoplc,sWhich Godhimfelte all in all vnto them. Andthe former kingdomeofgrace is anentrance andpreparation to this kingdoms of glorie. Come]Gods kingdómecomes, whenit takesplace and is eflablif1ed and confirmed-in menshearts, andmademanifefl toall people, the impediments being remoued. Q4,11. This comming implies a flopping: but how fhouldGods king- dome bee hndcred? Anfwere. Kingdome in thisplateis nottaken forthat bfolute and foueraignepowerofGod wherebyhe rules all things,for that can not be hindered ; butfor thekingdomeofgrace, which in the vfingof theout- ward.meanes,as miniffers,word andSacraments, maybee hindered by thedi- uell,ehe world,and mans corrupticn,. 3.. The wants whichare tobe bewailed. THe wants whichwee in' this petition are taught to.mournefor, areoftwo forts: forceconcerneourowh'ne felues, tome others. That which concernes our owneperfons isa bondage and ílauerie vnderunneand Satan. This bon- dage indeedeis weakened in Godsferuants, but noneis wholly freed from it in this life. Paul complaines that he is fold eider finne, and criespitifully,O ntiferable map that I arn,whoThai!. deliucr mefrom this bodieofdeath ? Qj e lion. What difference is thenbetweene°the godly and thewicked ? ;Anfrner.. The euill and vngodly man in thevcrymiddeftofhis bondage hath. a merrie heart : Gnne is no .trouble to.hitn, nayit ismeate and drinketohim. But the godly man is otherwife minded : who coníidering the power ofthe diuell,andhis craft inmanifolde fearefull temptations; and teeing theprone. neffeofhis rebellious naturemetandanon toflanaway fromGod,isgricued and