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,4nEa.pofition zpon t e ¿or iproiter. Thywill bed -Dne. 1, The Coherence. 7N the fecondpetition,wee dcfired that God would let hiskingdome come, vz,.Thathewould ourhearts.lfhe then muli raignc, we muff bce his fubiec&s : and thereforehere we crane, that beinghis fubieasw ce may obey him,anddoe his will. Malac.i.6. /f16e afather,where ismine honour? If Ibe amas`ler,where is rrryfeure? 2. Themeaning. Ill] Here it fgnifiethGods worde written in the olde and newTelia- ment. For in his word his will is reuealed. Ofthe wholewill ofGod there be threefpeciallpoynts,«'hich are in this place meant. t.To beleeue in Chita, lo'h.6.4o. r his is themap/him thatlent >rie,that riser), onewhichfeeth the Sonne,aràd 6eleeueth isi him,Jhoald, haueeuuerliîling iffe. z. Sanaiícation ofbodie and fbule. i.Thelt4.3.This istloewillof(od,casenyour fcnaifacatioN, &c. 3,. The bearingofaîrlietion in this lice Rotn.verf. r9.Thof which he kreT before ,hedidpredeslinateta bee made 14 to the ima:vofhis owt.eSon.Phil.3. veri. io.That Imight !¿,now himand thevertne of his refarrreElion, and thefe!- lowfhrp,ofhis alflections,and f li !i s 6e mad conformable to hisdeath. 7hywill]lelot mine: for mans ownewill iswicked andcorrupt,ycaitisfat enmitie toGod.Rom.8 verf. S. DoneJ That is, obeyed and accotnplithcd of men. Then the effe& ofthe prayer is this : 0 Lorde, fecing thou art our King, giuevsgrace to flewour fclues good fubieRsin obeyiag thywill. 3. Thewants to beprayedagainf z. Ere firft wee are tobewaile this,that our heartsare fo proneto rebellion and difobedienceofGods commaundements. Put a match to a heape ofgun-powder,on a fudden it will bee all ona flame; and as longas wee adde matter to the fire,it Burnes : fobynaturewee are tnoti readie to finne,foToone as the leali occafión is giuen. Dauid had experienceofthis when hee praied, Knit myheart to thee,O Lord,&c. Pfal, 8 6.1 t and, inclinemyheart to thy com- mandements.Pfah 19.37.Thofe which finde not this want in themfelues,and the like affe&ion to bewaile it, are in amiferableand dangerous cafe : euen as aman that hath a great difeafevpon hitn,and knowes not of it. Againe, wee muff here bewails-the finne of theworld, as ignorance, fehifines,hypocritie,pride,ambition, contempt ofGods word, couetoufneffe, opprefsion,want of loueofGodand his word.&c. z.Pe.rer 2.7. Lotwas vexed, 4nd his righteoushart wasvexed withthe vtrclearre cortuerfation oftheSoh- mites,