Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

.ear; xpoj liaonVDO tr.'C LW! uf prIdyer. . 2tß mites from day to áay : fo ought our foules tobee vexed and grieuedconti- nually at thewickedneffeof our time : and wee are to'fend vp our prayers to God for vnbeleeuingand vnrepentant finners,that theymaybe brought to the obedienceofGods will.Ezec:.9.4.In acommon iudgement vpon Ierufalem, Thyaremarkedintheforehead, thatmournandcrieforall theabominations that bedone in themtddefl ofit. 2 . Here alfowee mull humbleour felues for our vnquietne{l'e ofmind; and impatience,whé God laies any crofl'eonvs. It is Godswill that we should fuflér afFli lion,and withall humble ourfeluesunder hisnughtie hand. Our Sa- uiour praied that thecup (night bee taken away,but withfubmifsion tohisFa- thers will.Luk.22.4z.And this Dauid had learned whenhe faid, But ifhe thus fay,behold lhauenodelight ne thee, behold here I am, let himdoe tomeas fee- methgood inhis eyes...Sam. z 5.26. 4. Graces to bedefired. z , ^rHeMIthingwhichwee arc hereto defire is thatwee may haue grace todenie our felues,wils, andafetiions : becaufe herein weearcunlike toGod, and like the diucll. This is the fnrft leffonthat our Sautourdoth giue his Difciples,that they muffdeny themfelues,and followhim. 2. The fecond thing is the knowledge ofGods will : for otherwifehow Mall we do it ? Howcan that.feruantpleafe his nafler,vvhich cannot tell what he would haue doneofhim ?Aloftmen will hauebookes of flatutes in their houfes,and ifthey bec todeale in anygreat matter, theywill doe nothingbe- fore they haue lookedon the flatute. In like manner men Mould haue. the Bible,that is,thebootieofGods flatutes in their houles : the 'awesofGodmust be the menoforsr counfll: before euery a&ion wee are to fearch what is the willofGod, and then todoe it. Here then wee are taught tovie the nieanes, and topray for know ledge. 3. Ag^ iue,weare here taught tohaueadefire in our hearts,and an indeu our in our liucs,inall things toperforme obedience to Gods word inoutlines and conuerfations;ard inour particular callings. 4. Laflly,we defirepatienceand_flrenzth When it'Mall please God at any time toexercisevs with the crofié,as Paul praie§for the Colofsians, That God wotildfirengthen them by thepower ofbisniight,vmtoallpatienceandlongsuffe- ringwith iyfnlnes.Coloff.i .1 z. . Errorconfuted. TH E Church ofRome teacheth, thatmenby nature haue free will todoe good : and that men being flirted vp by theholy Ghof},can'ofthemfelues will thatwhich is good. But ifthis were fo, why might weepotpray, Let my will beedone .? So farre foorthas thewill ofrnanshall agree with Gods wi11; but thiscannot be,aswe fee in the tenour ofthis petition. 0o a In