Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

ùfn expafition upon the Lords Prayer, 2 I X Daiy]Theword in the originals is thus much in effec'l;, Breadunto ourof fenceorfabj1a -cos : then the meaning is, giuevs fuch bread from day today, asmaynautili-lourfubflances. Thus prayeth Agur, Ptou.3 o.8. Fee4emewith footle conuenientfor tire. Some therearc which put an Angelical! perfediion in failing : but we are taught inScriptures, that as about all things wee are to feeke for lifeeternall : fo wee mull in this life hauecare to ftttlaineand main- mine ournaturall life,that weeni ayhaucconuenient fpace and time torepent, and prepare our felues to thekingdomeofheauen. Falling in it felfe asit isan abtlinence from mcate, is nopart ofGods worfhip, but in it owne nature, a thing indifferent : and therefore it isto be vied fo farm foorth as it all further vs in Godsferuice,and no further . And Peeingwee are taught topray for fuch bodeas (hall preferue nature,end maintaine the vitali bloud,we ought not to vie falling to the hinderance or de:fru&ionofnature. Ourbread] r.Q ef.Howisbreadours?Anfwer. Paul fheweshow,x.Co- rinth. 3.zaTe areC hrifs,andallthings areyours. So then by meanesofChrifl, bread iscalledours. For GOD havinggiucn Chrifl tovs,doth inhim andby him glue all things clie tovs. 2.04. Howmay I know that thethings I enioyare minebyChrifl,and that I dine not vfurpe them ? Anfwer. verf4. Paul faith thatthe creaturesofGodaregood, and thatthe vie ofthem isfan6lificd to vs by the word and prayer. Then ifwee haue thewordofGod to tell vs that wee may inioy and vtè them : andalto if wee praytoGod for the right andpurevfcof them,weeare novfurpers, but indeede right owners ofthem,not oncly before men,but alfo beforeCod. 3.. uefiton. lithecrea- tures mull bee made ours by Chtit+, how comes it topaflè thatthe vngodlie haue furl-, abundancesofthem ? Anfwer. Weeloll the titleand intercil ofthe creatures inAdam : yet GOD ofhis merciebellowes temporarte blessings vpon thevniutl aiw ell as vpon thehill : but forall that, vnles theybe in Chrill, andhold the title ofthem byhim,they lhall in the ende turne to their greater condemnation. Andwhereas wee call it our bread, wee learne that eucryman mull lineof his owne calling, and his owne goods. Here allo is condemned all oppref- fion,tlealing,lying,cogging, and other fuchdeceitfoll meanes which menvie toget wealth and goods. Many thinke it no finne to prouidefor their families in fuchorder,but inPaying this petition they prayagainfl themfeluc . a.1 hell. Hee which labouretb not,let hrni not eatc. Fphe14.28. gee which Bole, let him flealeno more,but ra her labour with his hands the thing that seals. This day] 'Wee izy not here this wecke, this moneth, this age,but this day : what meanes this? may we not prouide for the time to come ? oinfwer. It is lawfull,yea aman isbound ingood mannerto prouide for time to come.. Ail. r r.e.8. TheApollles prouidefor theChurch in Judea againtl thetime of dearthforetold byAgabus.And lofeph in Egypt in theyeres ofplentie flored vpagaini theyearesoffamin. Wherfore in therewordsourSauiour his Inca- 00 4 ping