Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

212 stnexpel t;onupon theLords Prayer. fling ks onely tocondernne all difiruflfull care that difiraéìs themindsofüien, and toteachvs to ref+on Esfatherly goodneffe fromday to day in euëry fea- fan :'this is notedvntovs,Nuinb. i i .MTh-ere the lfraelites verc cómanded to gatherno more Manna, 'then would ferue for one day, and ifthey did,it putri- liied. Whereby God taught them to reít on his prouidenceeuery particular dav',andnot on themeanes. Girovs] Not me. J bis feruesto teachvs that a man mull not onely regard hirnfelfe, but alto be mindful! of'others. For a man thathath wealth is made a ewardtodiflributehisgoods to the Poore and the good o1GödsChurch. True lone feckesnot her owne things ; the branches ofthevineare Loden with cluttersof grapes,not for thcmfelues,but for others : thecandle fpends ìt felfe toglue otherslight. <l'iue] lfbread beours,whereforeare we toaske ir?it mayfeenieneedleffe. Anfver. Not â > : tè,r herebyWee are taught to WaiteonGod,w ho is the fowl. tame and thegluerofall blefhngs. Men vfually driuen toany°difireffe, vfce- nil'ineanes;'as robbirr deceiiiing,confultingv ithWifàrds &c. 2;' Againe here wee learne, that though a man had all thewealth in the world,ail isno thing vc'ithoutGods;. esfion. The rich needenotfay,';iuevs,&c,. for they haueabundance alreadie, and What neede they that which they haue? AMffer. Let a manbeemiler fo rich, and Vant,nothing that can bee defired,yet ifhewant Gods bleffing, in'ef eet bee wants all Wherefore e yen Kings,and thegreaten perfOnages that bee,are asmuch boundtovie this petitionas the pooreft. God; bIFffïgg :sriches,laithSalomon,Pro. i o. 2 2 Thou maift cate and not haue enough, be clothed andnot warme, carne wages and put it in a broken bagge. Hag 1.5. ifGod doenot blare thee. This blefsingof God is called theflaffe ofbread, hfay.3.1. In bread there bee two things, the fubflance and thevertue thereofprocecding from Gods blefsing : thisfècond, that is, the power ofnourifhingis theflafreof bread. For takeaway from an aged man his fìatfe, and he fats: and fo takea,eay Gods bletling frombred and the flrehgth thereof, it becomes vnprofitable, and ceafethtónourilla. 1.aftiv,here wefeethar all labour androyle taken in anykindeofcalling, is no thtag,and auailesnot,vnleffe God (Till giuehis blefling.Pfal 127.1 3. The wantswhichare to bebewailed. Sinneswhichwee are taught in this petition to bewaile are twoefpeciat ie. t .Couetoufiieffe, avice which is naturallyengraffèd in cucry mans-heart; it is when aman isnot content withhis prefent eflate. This defire isvnfatiable, andmen that haueenoughwould fUUll haue more.-Whereforehewhich (hall vie this pet:tion mull be grieued for thisfinne,and praywith Dauld,Pfal.i 19. 3 "f my!start to thycomr?arrndements, andnot tocoue!ossfrief. And he inuit forrow,not fomuch for thea6t of this fiinne as for the corruption of nature iu this behalfe. Couetous people will pleade that they arefree*orn this