Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

34 Thee,;late ofaChrifian effeemedChrifflans: and they areoftenfo likethetu,tfiat noneibut Chrifican f 32 °3.% difcernethe fheepefrom the goates,trueChriftiansfrom apparant Chriflians. Wherefore it behoouethall men that Phew themfeluestobe Chriaians, to lay afide all pride,and all felfeloue, and with finglenefieofheart toput themfelues into the ballance ofGodsword,and to makeiuft triall, whether in them, rem pentance,faith,mortification,fan&ification, &c. giue waight anf<<erable to their outwardprofeffion : which iftheydo, let them praifeGod:ifnot,let them with all fpeed vfethe means that theymaybeborn anew to the Lord,and may be inwardly guidedbyhisholy fpirit,to glue obedience tohis will , Ieat in the day ofGods triall, theyant afide from him likeabroken bow,and fall againe to their firft vncleannefle. XXXVI. A eaueat to Tocorneto the fecond fort ofmen and to conclude let the moll zealous themofthe papa+ that is,trie binifclfe and his v holee(,ate with afinale heart as in thepre. religion of fence ofGods naief}ie,ar_d he Ïhall find that byhis whole religion andprofef theÇtturch t ofrtomc.' fion hedoth come shortof areprobate, or at the leaf'. notgoe beyond him in Elation.' thefepoints beforenamed. The Lord open their eiesthat they may feeit. 4- THE ESTATE OF A CHRISTIAN - MAN in this life ,which also fheweth how far theElea may goe beyond theReprobate in Chriftianitie , and that by manie degrees. I Eleftfon. .,.c,'. He a Eleaare they whome God ofthegood pleafure of a6phe.1 , his wil bathdecreed in himfelfe tochoofe to"eternall life, 4.s,6.y. for thepraife oftheglorieofhisgrace. For this caufe the b4Apo.zo. &ea- onely are fayd to hauetheir names written in b the Z i R \ 's bookeoflife. Vocation. WhomGod eleaeth, themhee calleth in the time ap. pointedfor the fame purpof . This callingofthe theElea is nothingels but a e z.the.z, T. c finglingand a feuering ofthem out ofthis vileworld,and the cuflomes tha- t dEph. s.t 9 of,tobe d Citizens ofthe kingdom ofheauen,t9be ofGear r Gotha/4, toe be li- e 1, pet2.5. utia Pones inthe fpiritual Temple,which is the Churchof God,f theèompa- fGal. 4.26 nyofpredeflinate to eternal' life. And thisfeparation tnufYbe madebefore the end ofthis life.For this is the order whichGod taketh ,hee will haue all them g zCor,6,2 tobe in the kingdomofgrace in this life,that (hall be in thekingdomof glo- Luk.19. 42 rie after this life. And the time oftheir calling is termed inScriptures, ; thedaj ofvifitation,theday ofellation,the timeof®race. I I1. hCol. z.7 lsh.1j.19 Thisbfeueringand choofing oftheele6out oftheworld,is then performed, when