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in this life. 3 á whenGodbyhisholy fplrit indueth them with truefatting faith : awoortder- frill gift peculiar to the eleel. For the betterknowingofit, there is tobe confi- dered: Firil,what faith is : Secondly, howGodBoth worke it in theheartasof the ele& : Thirdly,what degrees therebeoffaith: Fourthly,whatare the fruites andbenefites offaith, III!. Faith is awoonderfull graceofGod,bywhich theEleado apprehend and What fait; applyChrifi and all hisbenefitesveto thetnfelues particularlie. Here firfl it isto beconfidered,that theverynature offaith flandeth in acer- is. tame power ofapprehending and applying Chrifl. This is declared by Paule when he faith,i reareburiedwith him through baptifine,by whomyee are alto i Col.:. :a rifënagaine withhirnby-thefaithof thepowerofGod,whoraifedhim from the dead. Where it appeareth that faith is made a meanesto communicateChrift himfelfe,his deathandburiall,and fo all otherbenefits to the beleeuer.Againe, to beleeriein ¿hriff,and tok receive or to lay holdon Chrij., are put one for an other by Saint lohn :whichdeclareth that there is a fpeciall applyingofChritt; k loh.r.rt. euen as wefee,when amanbathany thing giuenhitn,he reachethout hishand Rom.st7; and pulleth ittohirnfelfe,and fo makes it hisowne. Moreoue:r , faith is called theputtingon ofChrift: whichcannot bevnleffeChrifis righteoufiies be fpe- I Gal.3.z7 ciallyapplied to the heart,as thegarment to thebacke,when it isput on.Lafl- Ioh.a.3 lie, thismayappeare,in thatfaith iscalledm the eating anddrinking ofChrif>t: for there isnoeatingofmeat that nourifheth, butfirfl itmull be tatted, & tha- wed in themouth, then it mutt beconueyed into the flomacke, and theredi- gcfled:laillie,itmuff be applyed to the panes ofthebodie that are to be non- rifhed. And Paule prayeth for theEphefians : that Chrif. i n may dwell in their ph,3 ty hearts byfaith: whichplainlie importeth,this apprehending and applying of n Chrifl. I adde further, that faith is a woorúerfillgrace ofGod, which may appeare: Firf,in that Paule calleth it o theft-tit-1g ofGods power , beeaufe the power of God is efpecially feene in thebegettingoffaith. Secondlie, experience fhew- ethit tobe awoonderfull gift ofGod : when a roanneither Teeth, nor feeleth his finnes,then to fay hebelecueth inGods mercie , it is an ease matter ; but whenaman fhallfeelehis heart preffeddowne with the waight ofhis (inns, and the anger ofGod for them; then toapplie Gods free mercie to his owne fouleit is amoil hard matter: forthen it isthe propertie ofthe turfed natureof man to blafphemeGod, and todefl:aite ofmercie. Iudas who (no doubt) often preached mercy and redemption by Chrifl in the fecuritieofhis heart : when Gods hand was vponhim, and the Lordmade him fee the vilr_nef eof his treacherie;hecouldnotcomforthimfelfe inChrifl,ifone wouldhauegitteu him ten thoufand worlds, but in an hellifhhorror ofconícieneehanged him- felfedefperately ; which fheweth what a woonderfullharde thing itis at the fame tnflant when aman is touched for hisfauns, then toapply Gods mercie tohimfelfe. Yet atrue Chriflian by the poweroffaithcan doe this, as itinay Cc appeare