Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

2I4 An Expthrtion upon theLords Prayer. theywhichfeele andfie theirfinnes hauing this fpirite, arefo mooned , that theycan neuerbeat reft, till inpraierthey beeafedof theburthen oftheir fins. Aman may, i graunt, babble andfpcake many words,batbee thall neuer pray effeitually, beforehee haue this fpirit ofpraier to make him cry,Abbafather. For worldly commodities all canpray : but learne to pray for the want of Chrifl. Asweforgiue our debts. s. The Coherence. `'FHefewordsbe apart ofthefit petition , which is propounded witha con. dition. Forgiuevs as weeforgiueothers : and thefe words depend on the former as the reafón thereof; which feemes tobetaken fromthe comparifon of the lefhe to the greater , thus : ifweewho hauebut a fparkeofinercie, doe for. glue others: then doe thou, who art the fountaineolmercie, forgiuevs -: but we forgiue others : therefore doe thou forgiue vs. Thus Luke. i r . g. bath it, forgiue vs our Arles, for even weeforgitte Rhem. Tea. onLilt, 7. verf..47, The Papifts takeit otherwife, who fay, Forgiue vsas we forgiue, making our forgiving a caufe,forwhichGod is mooued to forgiuevs in temporalipunith. aunts : whereas our forgivingofmen is onely a figneor effeeI thatGod doth forgine vs. 2. The meaning. 1.'Qefít. Vv Hether is amanbound to forgiue all debts ? Alp. The vvord debt, in this place isnot voderlloodofdebt that isciuill, and comes by lawful] bargaining, but ofhurts and dammaes which are done veto vs in our bodies, goods , or goodname, As for the former ciuill debts, a manmay exaa them, fo hedoeit withaimingofinercie. 2. Q`eefl. Howmay any man forgiue tref patfes,feeingGod onely forgiues finne? In euery trelpaffe which anydoe to their neighbours , there be twooWenccs, one toGod, another to man. In the firft rcf ea, as it is a- gainit God andhis commandements, it is called a finne; and that God onely forgiues : in theotherrefpeSt it is called an iniurie or damman,e, and fa man. may forgiue it When a man isrobbed, the law is broken by ftealing , and the iniurie that is done is againftaman that pathhis goods ftolne. This iniurie,as it is an iniuriea manmay forgiue;bur as it is a finnehe cannot,b.:t Godonly. 3. . nest. Whether may aman !awfvllypray this petition, and yet fuehim at the law,who bath done him wrong? rir. ' Aman may in an holy manner fueairother for aniniurie: and asa fbuldierin lawfull want m ykillhisene- mie, andyet lone him : fomay a man forgiue an iniurie, and yet (ecke in a Chrifiian manner the remedie : but in doing ofthis weemutt obferue flue things. i . Weeare to takeheed ofall private revenge, and inwardhatred; rivhick