Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

An Expañtion upon tpse Lards Prayer. 2 t z. Secondly, whereas wee are taught thus topray continually from day to day, wenote the great patience & long fufferingof God, thatfuffers and for- beares (lilt, and doeth not pcureout his confufion vponvs, thoughwe offend his maiefliedayby day. This teacheth vs like patience towards our brethren: we our fèlues cannot put vp the leafl iniurie and forbeare butone day, and yet wedefïre that God would forgiuevs daily to theendof our hues. 3. Againe we may obferue, that there is noperfect fan6?ification in this life;. feeing we muff cuery day to the end cranethepardonofourfinnes. Therefore wicked is the opinion oftheCatharifls or Puritans, which hold that thenmay be without finne in this life. Andwhenwe fay, forgirse,notme but v.p: we areput inminde topray, not onlyfor thepardonofourovine finnes,but likewife for our brethren and ene- tnies.I am.5.17. Con feffi one toanother, andpray onefor another: for thepal- er ofthe rtghteosu mulleth moel, ifit be fervent.'And as fotne thinkc, the praier ofSteuen was anieanes of the conuerfìonof Saul. 5. Alfö we note that before praierfor pardonofCaine, mull goe a confefli- on offinne : for whereas wee f ay.forgifteour debts, wee.confeffe beforeGod, that we areflat banckrupts &not able todifcharge the Iea(I ofourfinnes : this appeares t .loh.t.9. Ifireconfeffeour finnes, he tofaithfMll toforgiue vs. And it was pradifedby Dauid,Pial:.5 T. and 3 a. 5. Themaser ofmakingconfèflïon is this : knownfinnes,and thole which trouble the confcicnce; are tube con- felledparticularly:but vnknoxne finnes generally,Pfala9.1 2. 6. Laflly, hence it is manifef { ,that there isno iufliflcationby workes. Out finnes are debts, and foalto areall workes ofthe law: and it werea fond thing- to imagine that amanmight debtbyanother. 4. Wants to 6edetvai!ed.' `JHewants to bebewailed.are the burthen ofour finnesand thecorruption, ofour natures,and thewickednesofour hues, and the linesofouryouth,. andofourold age Pfal.4.o.12. MyTunes haue tab,nfachholduponme,that I amnot able to lsoke vp : they aremore innotmber than the hairesofmyhead therefore rmneheart bathfadedme. ThuswithD.auid weare to travel&grove- under thisburthen :but this griefefor finne, is a rare thing in the worlde. Mena can mournebitterly for the things of this life, but their finnes neuer trouble: them. Againe, this forrowmuffbefor finne, becaufe it isfinne, though there were neither hellto torment, nor dcuill orconfcience toaccule,not judge to: tcuenge.. f. Graces tobedefrred THegracewhich wemuR delire, is the'pint cfggraced-deprecations. Zach. i z.lo.which isthatgift oftheholyghof, wherby weare inabled tocall to God for thepardonofourfins. Amáhauingoffended the lawes ofaprince, ót being in (tiger efdeath, at quiet tillhehauegotté apardfl ; cubfo they