Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

42 Theestattof4 CIIri.F1i4% h verb c hisglorious poimer,hemould runheadlong tohis owre confufon. gourthlie,` becomes to feehimfelfe fiand ingreat need ofGods fauor:honemercie wilnot content him: he prayeth for the whole innumerable multitudeof hismercies, tobe beflowed onhim, todoe away his iniquities. Fiftlie , his delire and his prayer forthe forgiueneffe ofhis finne, are fet downe in the 1R hole Hanle. And inhis prayerhee gatherethforne comfort and aflùra nee ofGods mcrcie $ rot, iy towardshirnfelfe,in that he faith, Thefacrifces o fGod area contrite f grit contriteanda brokenheart God,theuwilt not del f. Againe , the like ap- peareth in I)auid, Iafaltn. ÿ 2. .verf. 3. When Ihelde tongue , my bones confu. med inmy rering all theday. 4.. For thyhandwas beanievpon me dayandnight : mymoyfiurewas turi edinto thedrought off,;mmer. Sela.5. Icorfefed myfins unto thee,neither hidImine iniquities : Maid , Iwilconfeffeaping my felfemy wickfelnesvnto the Lord,andthoriforgauefltheiniquityofmyfin. To thispurpofe isthe example()fit. Glouer, Martyr , who being fomewhat troubled at hisentrance into prifon,teflifieththus ofhimfelfe.So(faith he)1 re. mainedwithout anyfurtherconference ofany manby thelaceofeight ¿ayes, tilltheBifhopscomming : in which'tirne Igaue myfefe continually toprayer and meditationofthe mercifulpromilesofGodmadetoadwithout exception o f perms finsthat callvpon thename ofhis dearefon lefus aril?. Ifoundinmyfe1 f daylr amendment ofhealthofbody,increafeofpeace ofconfcience,&many confolations fromGodby the helpofhís f irit :andfo,atetimes asit werea tall andglimmering ofthe lifetocome : allfor hisonlyfon7efits Chr f sfake. XVI. Decrees e Thereare iuers degrees and rneafuresoftthis vnfayned faith, accordingas faith, there bediners degrees ofChriflians : formeP are yet in the wonibe, and haue FR °u t ai their mother theChurch traitelliag afthem : fore 'fare newbornbabes, feeding 4,ä1.4,r9 on themi/ke oftheword :forceare rperfel -i men inChris7,cometo the rneafnre :V:44:4 ofthe age ofthefakesofChrfl. P XVII. Ti,eteat} The leaflmeafitreofFajen that any Chriíiiian'can haue ,ïscompared to the meafure of fgraineofrasuffardfeed,the lcatrofall feeds:and toflaxe t thatbath fire init,but faith. 1ò weake that it can neither giue heat nor light,but only tnaketh a fmoke, and fwt 3t. rp ß is calledby thenameofa u littlefaith : and it may bee thus defcribed, When a tF mat., yet .3 a. manofanhumbleheartdothnot feeletheaffurattceofthe forgiueneffe of uat cc his owne finnes,andyet he is perfwaded theyarepard;nihle, defiling that they cc might be pardoned : and therfore prayethto God,that he wouldpardon them, cc and giuehim firength to leaue them. XVIII. A little faith may more plainliebeeknowneby confidcring of there foure xffa,5r.ty OfltCS r firfl,thatit is onlie in hisheart,who is humbled for finne: s For the Lorddwellethwith him that isofa contrite andhumblefpirite , to receilte the friritofthehiible,& togiue lifeto doff'that areofa contritehart.Secondiy,it isi aman efpeciallyat the timeof his cöuerfion,&calling;toChriil,afterwhich is