Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

ir. this lift. 43 is to growe from faith to faith. Thirdly, this faith though it Ice in the heart,. yet it is not fomuchfeltin the heart : this was in Dauid at fume times,Y. Ulfy God,myGod, whyhaft thoufor¡aIZen me, fayth he ? The firíf words mygod,my God,are fpeeches offaith: yet the latter, vhy haft thoufortikon me, Thewthat 'thenhee had no feelingof Gods merci`e. A little faith in the heart of rnan,as in the fpring time the fruite is in the bud, which yet appearethnot,but onely bathhis natureand fub(fance in the bud.Laffly,the beginnings & feedes ofthis faith,or at the leaff,fignesand etedfs thereof;are three. The firíf is aperfvvafion,that amans ownc finnes arepardonable : this per- i. A petfwa fwafon though it bee not faith, yet it is a good preparation to faith: Forthe lion that Wickedcut themfeluesoffquite fromGods mercie, in that withCain a they fi°4ne is ar fay,thcir finnes are greater,thanthat they canbe forgiuen. The fecond is ade- ad Gen.4. i fireofthe fatiourandmercie ofGod ui Chri(f,andof meanes to attaine to z. A defire thatfauour. h This delire is a ípcciall `raceof God, and it bath thepromife ofof reconci- blef edues; and it snuff beediffing:ifhedfrom that defirewhich wickedmen elation to haste: who though they defire life eternall,asBalaarn did,yet they cannot;n- God in citielÌfE cerelydefire the meanes,as faith,repétance,tnortification,reconciliation,&c. fin. The third is praierfor nothing in this world,but only for the forgiuenesof their bmats.6 finneswith greatfishes & l roanesfromthe bottomeoftheheart,which they Lt k.i.s3. arenot able toexpreffe,as they feele thern.Now this hartie praying and defire: Pfal.r.s.r9 for the pardonof ]runecan neuer cone from the flefhbutonly from thefpirit, . Pfanad l. :8o, 91. 7. who c ffirrethvf, there heauenlymotions oflonging,defiring,fißhingafterre, Num. x3.9. tnifl`ion ofGnne,and all other graces ofGod, which he beffoweth vpon his 3.l'rayerfo. children. And where thefàiri: ofCbritf dwelleth there muff needes bee faith : pardon. for d Chriff dwelleth in thehearts ofthefaithful] byfaith. Therefore asRebec- d rh.r S ca,' when fine felt theTwitís Caine in her wontbe,though it pained er,yet the knew,both that (he had conceaued,and that thechildren werequicke inher: fo theywho haue rhefemotions, and holy affeecionsin them beforementio- ned,mayaff re themfelues that the fpirit ofGod dwelleth in them,and con- fequently that they hauefaith,though aweake faith. XIX' Examples ofthis finali faith areeuident in the Apoflles,who though e they e Matt, rs. beleeued that Chriff was the Sauiour ofthe world,yet they f wereignorant of fMatth,t 7. hisdeathand refurrenlion,which arc the chicle meanes of faluation. After his 23. refurredfion they were ignorant ofhis afcenfiou,&ofhis fpirituall kingdome, Luk9.Y5. for theydreamed g ofanearthlykiingdonne; and at his death theyall fled from' g him,and Peterfearefitily deniedkin. Theybeing in thiseffate are not haue no faith,but to bee ofh little faith. Anotherexarnoiewee haue inDauid ' hMar.8.2g.. w fames ho hauing continueda long fpacein his twogreat adultery andmur- thenwasadmoniíhed thereofbyNiathaa the Prophet : being admoni(hed he confeßedhis fins, and flraightway Nathandeclared vnto him from the Lord t forgiuenesofthd. Yetafterward Dauid huinbleth himfelfe,as it appeareth itithe f i,,Pfalnae, and prayeth motz earnefily for the forgiuenes ofthofe and all