Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

Tt:e(flat tf4chriflia; Man vnrigIFteotss, and the childofwrath and vengeance. In firme, thereart threethings whichare huraid' to man : the firfl'isConoienwatíon, whichcom- tncth offirme :the fecond is, aftualldi/obedience ofthe in finite : the third is themote and foui taineof finne,originall corruption. Thefe are threedead. ly °rait rids, and three running fores in the hearts and confciencesof aaI finners., ,,t Ltd<, r.s s a NowChrif lefus is vèrfèC Iy righteous, andinhim a finger may fix three Cciot.2-9. benefites anfwerable to the three former culls. Firfl, thefìffc-. a, 4, 14' i.40s of (bravnon theCrafie, fufhcienttor all rienshunes. Secondly, t;eo- bar.z.r,. bedience of Chr;/i in fulfilling the lave. Thirdly perle: boluses of the hu. ()lo.r$.t inane nature ofChrifl: there are three foucraigne medicines to healealwoun> cocci confciences:and theyare as three running fireatncs ofliningwater tobathe r the. r. 7. and to fitpple;thebruifed and contrite heart. bNow then commeth faith, and eRom.4.t8 írrfllaiethholdeofthe fugalngsofChrifi,and foafinnerisfreedfromtlepaa- r nier,eást and f:ilt of free, and from eternal' damnation, and thus the firfl 14att.3.r5. ,deadly woutadiscured. c Againe, faith laiethholdon theperfedl obedience :say, 53.11 .ofChrtf}, in fulSllingthe 'awe, and-thus the fecond wound is cured. d Third ?L2 :ss, ly, faith applieth the bolttres ofC;kri;rs humane nature to the firmer,and then he z.3. is acceptedofGod as perfedlly righteous;& Cohis third deadly wound is cured. Ici. ,,t s, Thus afirmer is made righteousby the righteottfnesofCkilt imputed tohim. XXV. p From true iufiification, proceede c many other benefits, and they are either outward or inward. Outwardbenefitsare three, The f firfi is 7(econciliatiosr R fttion ne'It' by which a-mán.ittflified isperfeòliy reconciled toGOD; becaufe his.finneis ecor.s, done away,andheisgrayed with the perfeóó righteoufnesofChrifl®Thegfe- rs. cond. is, that af:liaionstithe faithfull are nopanrifin enta for fanne, but onely g Rom. , fatherlyandlouing chaf_+ttfements. For theguilt and punifhmentoffnnewas o. r borne ofChrilLNow therefore,ifaChriflian be affliaed, it isno:punifhtnent: z Cor. 6.9 lieb,t2.6. for thenGod lEouldpunifh one faultetwife, once inChritl, andthe;fecond ti nie upon the Chriflian: whichthing doothnotagreewithhisiuflice :itremai- 2-521.13.12. nette therfore thataflli&aio-ns arc onely corre&ions in thefaithfull. The thirdbe 3.'4 neftt is that the man inRifled dooth hde/crate andmerit At gods bands the s°' j9 s. kingdom or eataen. Forbeingmade perfedlly righteous .inChrift andby his elai$e. rightcoufiics,he muffneedes mériteeurnallife an& by the meritesof Chrift, ',mtenrs. And therefore Paulecalled it the iz.R.itication f lfe, Rom.1. i 8. Nitrite ir} XXVI. Chat. Inward benefits nroceedin g, f!om iulification,areth6lev, hich are,inwardly , h Matt. , . r. zx.z felt in. tl;eheart, atcrer.e forthebetteraífurancc ofiuflificitton, and theyare Apo. zz.s 2 principally fine, The fiirfl is, Pe:,c;e and gsaaetrrefe cfcorfcseuce. As all men na- -,,, xz,as, turally in Adam are corrupt, fo all Men naturally haue coriiupt and defiled T confctences,accufdngthem and arraigning them before Godsliudgementfor ¿''e of their hunes : infúch wife- that cucrte f ;fpitionof death and feare of imminent Hebiencz. danger maketh a natural man (land a of r at his wits nd knowin not hatto g` g doe: e but by faith inChrif., the Chriftian is pcrfvaded ofxemiffion of his finnes