Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

to this life. 47 Opines, and(o the dilquietnes ofhis confcience is appeafed, and hehath an in ao.r5.9 6.i wardpeace in all extremities, whichcannotbe taken f;oars him. . XXVIL The flumbering and dead confcienceis much like to the good confcience pacified, andmany through ignorance take theone for theother. But they may éwac.''Ç be feuered_anddifcerned thus. Fief, let the belccuing Chrifiian examine him- dead cc felfe, whether his confcience was aft-tided with thefcnfi: ofGods iudgements f.iencc ar i andpreffed dowsewith theburthen ofhis finriebefore bee came to that quiet- aq,uiet con - nes: for then bee may bee ingood hope, that it waa the Spirit of God who tcicatce° brought that peace, becaufe GOD bathpronnifed, f That hee will dwell with f 1011.7.;7 thelir.rrableandcontrite, tartuiue andgaarcJertthem. But ifhehaue alwaies Efa1,j .rs had that peacefrom thebeginning ofhisdaies, he mayeafiliedeceiuehimfelf; by taking the numneffe and fecuritie ofadefiled confcience, for the truepeace of confcience. Secondly, lethim fearch from whencethis peace ofhis confci- enceproceedeth g For it it come fromany thingelfebut fromthe certaintieof s r theremifonoffinne ,itisno true peace: as many, flattering thcmfeluesin fin, Hcb.9.c5. anddreamingofa pardon, are thereupon quieted, and the Diuell is readie e- nough: toput this into their t.nindes : but this canbe no true peace. Thirdly. let himexamine himfel,ifhe haue a care to keepe a goodconfcience : which h A61.22, ifheehaue, hebath allo receiued from the Lord agoodand a quiet confcience; and 24, 16. hFor ifGodheflowe vpon anymana girt concerning his faluation, bee gi- ueth him alio acare to keep it. T g. XX V I I I.. i . ;. r 2. The fecond inward benefit j51 An entrance tn:, qea'sfttrawr, and aperfeue.: Ro,n.s.Z. ranee in it, which is indeede a wonderfuli benefit. Moe n a m a_: cornmeth in- wit, hold to fauour withhis Prmce,thenhe is holde to comevn.o him, and hemayhaue nes into free ac ceflè vntohis prefenee,and he May fueto his Pr.i zè n for anybeneñteor Gods 1 rc- preferment whereofhe fiandeth inneed, and mayobtai ne it before any other : fe' "e fo they which are inGods fauour,by reafon that theyare freely pardoned, a nd 1;ßm s3. iuflified in Chri(+, doe boldely approach' intoGods prefencc,andthey are rca- and r4, i7® dy toaske, and lure to obtameany benefite that is for their good. k The third ; Ioye. is alb, rirnnll ioy in their hearts,euen then when they are stfited : becaufe t 1 I -'- theylookecertainly to obtaine the kingdom of heauen.The fourth is I that t lac 4Fceling lateofgod is flied in the hearts of the faithtúll by the holyGhofi :thatis, that ïóud the holeGhofrdothmake the faithful!. verycuidently to leek the loueofGod towards thern,and dothas it were, fili their hearts with it. a iob.r.: a. X IX. Ga1,3.z6. The fecondminebenefice is a Adoption, wherebythey which are iuRifled, il:h Z , z r arealloacceptedofGod as his owne Children. From Adoptionproceede ma- - ii, ny other benefices. Pita the eleel Childe ofGODhereby is made a brother to a Chrisi. Secondly he is a King, and the kingdorneof lieauen is his inheri- 1.Pet. a.,. tance. Thirdly, he is LordDrier all creatures face Anhels,Fourthly the holyA.s.- H b.6 i $. gels ninf.erunto him forhis good:theyBard himSt watchabout him. Fitly, 4 Dda ill, s