Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

Sn. this itfe 49 XXXI. Theele6t being thus affuredoftheir adoption and iuffification , arc indued with hope a bywhich they lookepatiently for the accomplifhingofallygood Hr. thinswhichGod hath begun in them. And therefore they can vndergoe all :5 & ss. crof esand affliuli.ons withaquietandcontented minde : becaufe the , knowe 2,.Cor.547 thatthe time will copse when they (hall haue full redemption from all 'culls. Heb.r i.z. Thiswas b the patienceofTailshope, when he laide, that nothing in theworld b 1.11'61.1 couldfeuer him from theloueofGod inChrifl. And like to this was thepati- 3` ence. ofPolicarpe,andofIgnatius, whowhen he was condemnedand fudged tobe throwne towilde beafIs,and nowheard the Lyons roring, he boldly and yet patientlyfaide ; I am the t heateof(hrif , I¡hall beground with the teethof wildebeafßs,that Imaybefoundgood bread. Alfiothe famewas the patience of theblef ed Martyr S.Laurence, who like ameeke L pike fuffered himfelfe to be tormented ona fierie gridyron : and vvhenhe ha eenprefeddowne with fire pikes for agreatfpace,in the mightiefpiriteofGod, fpakevnto theEmpe- roue that canedhim thus tobe tormented,on this wife : This/dc is now roiledenough, tonnezp O tyrantgreat: eAyty,rhetberroiledor rave thou tbinIes1 thebettermeate. XXXII. The third tnainebenefite,isa inwardSanE1:fication:by whicha Chriffian in Sanftifica hisminde,inhis vvill,and in his affeefions is freedfrom theEo;Idageand grannie' tion. of(ìnne and Sathan,and is by little andlittle inabled through thefpirite ofChrif} a Aft todelire and a roue thatwhich is good, and to walke in it. And it path two E: os, pp z Ezezet rrg> parts.bThefirilisMortification, whenthepoweroffinneiscontinuallyweake- Pfa. .a z. ned,confumed,and diminifhed,e The fécond isyiuification,bywhich inherent b Gai, s, z4, righteouftes is reallieput into them andafterward is continually increafed. Co1.3.5. XXX 111, c Ephe.r.x This fan&tfication iswrought in allChrifxi ans after this manner. After that t <or.i they areioyned toChrifl, and mademyfficallie boneof his bone, and fiefhofMortifica.$. hisflefh,Chri aworketh in them effeelually byhis holy fpirite, and his ivorkes tien areprincipally three.Firíf,dhe caufethhis ovinedeath to worke effe&ually the Cólz 6.3. 4' deathofall fume, and to kill the povvc: of the flefh. For it isas aCorrafue, 8:45,z2:51 3,3. , which beingapplied to thepart affeeled, eateïl.out the venoLne and corrupti- on : andfo the deathofChrifi byfaithapplied, frettethout and confumeth the suificátio toncupilcence and thecorruptionofthewholenmat::. Secondly,his buriall cau- refhr on, feth the buriall of finne,as it were ina graue. e Thine his Reftrrecclion fen- ePhil.3.s o. deth a quickning powerinto them, and feruethto make them rife outof their Rom.6..4. fnne,in which they were dead andburied,to workerighteottfoefe., and to iiue inholinefl'eoflife. Lazarus body lay foure daies,and flat ke iti'rìve graue, yet Chrifl railed it and gatehimlifeagaine,and made him doe thefame vorks that liningmen doe:fo alloCarladealeth with thefoules of the faithfiill .i feyrotte lld.3 and