Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

50 `Tblq etalte ejc.i;ftia :1 and flinke in their finnes,.and would n rifh in them,if F cy werelefralone:but Chriflputtethaheauenlylifeintothem,andnLwkechthemaedueandliuelyto doe the will ofGod in the workes of Chrif' ianitic, and in the workes oftheir callings. And thisfaneiificationisthroughout the whole man in the fpirite, fotde andminde, r . Thefl.5.z 3.And here thef jiirit fignifieth;theminde&me- morie; the ¡octle, the will andafeetions. XXXIIII. The fanaificàtion ofthe minde is the enlightningofit with the trueknow- ledgeofGods word. It is oftwo forts,eitherfpvïtuall vnderfanding, orfpiri_ tuatl wildo rre. Spiritual? 'under/landing is a generali conceiuing of euerie thingthafis tobeedone or not tobe done, out ofGods word. Spiritual)-wife. dome isaworthiegraceofGo.d, by which man is ableto vndcr(andout of Godsword, whatis tobe done or not to be done in any particular thing, or aótion) according to the &scum { }ancesofperfon,time, place, &c. Both thefe are in euerie Chriflian, otherwifePaule would neuer hauepraiedfor theCold, kCol.t.9. fans, kThat they m ;T t be f dwithknowledge ofgods r :1I, inalw elame andffirittsall both thefè excelled Dauid, who teflificdof I Pfal.t t9. himfelfe, that Gods ward lirasa farr:o e tohis feet, anda light to hsspaths, & 111 Verf. 98' thatni Godbyhis cörnaandementshadma le himwi f rthan his enemies:that lee 99. hadmorevnderffandingtban all his teachers: becattfe Gods tefiimoniesWere p top. his meditations n that heevndcrf ocdmorethan theancient, becaatfe he kept Gods precepts.The properties of the tninde enlightened are fpecially two.The ors. firfl is, that by itaChriflian feeshis owneblindnes,iga:orance,&vanitie,as.ap pIóh. 9.4, peareth in Dauid,whobeing a Prophetof God,yet prayed : 0 Open tanneeyes (OLord)that 1'mayteethewonders of thy law. And thence it is that the godly fomuchbewailed theblindnes oftheir mindes.Contrariwife,the wickedPman in themiddefl ofhis blindnes, thinkes himfelfe to fee. The fecond is, that the mind runneth& is occupied in a continual)meditation ofGodsword.So Da- gPfáLt.z uidfaith,the q righteous mans'clehght is. in theLilo ofthe Lord,0- in his lawdot h hemeditatedayandnight. XXXV. SanEtifica- The memory alfo is fanClified in that it can both keepe &remember that eion of the which is good& agreableto Gods wil:w,hereasnaturally it bell temembreth memorie. lewdnes,&wickednes,&vanitie.This hohememory was inDauid: rThane hid r Pfala 19. { I thyp`rorní,(s in mineheart,th3t I,rri not vhazii' thee. And Mary Kept al vied. t t. the?yings ofC--hri/I c,Mpódezer hé. inherheart.An aa d toÿ exercifeofthis memo- fLu . 19. ry,Salomôhatha good lefl . l:Mjfn,hearjvatornywards,inohnethineeases xPro,z.t, vetomyfayings; tiet th 4notdepart/roan thineeyes, lint keepe thëin the -mid> deli ofthineheart.,. XXXVI. sin ifica- .Furtherrnort,the wil ofa Chriflian is renewed and purifiedby Chri(1,which tion of the appeareth in that itis fofar forth freed from fin, that it can vc, ill & choofe that which is d and acceptable toGod and=fide that which is euill, according to