Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

in this life SI tothat OtPaule.0 It isgod, Which , i k worketh in you the±willandthedeed, essen ofuP1411.2. 13 hisgoodpleaftsre. Now,ifa man be confidered as he isnaturally,he catineither xhb.r ;.e will, nor perforce that whichis good, but onely thatvk hich is euill: x for he is phe.z., fold vnderfin,as theOxeorthe Aflè, and cömitteth iniquitie,as the fifh draw- Luk.t 1.2x eth inwater;yea he is in bondage vnder Satan,who infpirethhis mind withvile motions,& bowethhis wil,affe6lions,& the members ofhis body tohis curled wìl:fothat for his life,heis not abletodoany thing but fin & rebel againfl God. And it nullbee rernembred, that although the Chrtflian mans will befreed inpartfro in the bondage offnnein this life, yet it (hall not be freefrond thepo- wer offumevnt ill the life tocome: for Y Paule that worthieSaintfithofhim YR0714. felfebeing regenerate, that he wascarnallandfòlde vnderfnne XXXVII San6lified affe&ionsareknowne by this that they z are mouedand inclined Sanaifica to that whichis good, toembrace it: and arc not commonly affeóedandair- tion of th red with thatwhich is euill,vnleffeit beto efcheweit.Exam hereofare z Rom les fare thefe a Rom $.. vvhichfollow.a ?"o reioyce With them that reioyce. And to weepe with them aRo.t2.z; that We're, Toreioyce becatsfeaMOWname ir written inheauen. c To defire godsprefince c fanour,ms thechic landdefrethWater.d T o f. re& tremble at 20 Gods word.c7'o longand tofaint after theplaces where ÿod it wor jhipped. fTo d Efay.6ó z be vexedinfoulsfróday today inPeeing d. hearing the vnlawfuldeedes of:wen: epfal.q.s.z, & tofliedrimers ofteares becattfem breikG'ods cemmandetnéts,8fnferuencieCz.Pet.z. s. offpirit tofeructheLord.h Topits on the boWelsofcompafontotwards themile- Pfal.t 19. Tics o finen.iTo beangrie & finnot. k Toforrow for the difileafing ofGod.I To I 36 louethe brethreninChrifi. m To admire at the Lord ofGod. n To loneGads h Col,3t cómandernents abouegald. °Toadmire thegraces of god in ofhers.pInfeast to i Epbe.4..26 firmGod, & to reieyee in trzbling. q To nvall¿in theferreof God,& to be filled k2.Cor:7. with the ioyoftheholy Ghof . rTobeheauy throughmanifoldtiptatiens.fTo re- t z ioyce in beingpartaker cfth.efofferings of Chrtft. t Towait on theLord to re- mIoh.u9 ; fal. ioyce inhim,, toemit in hisholynarne.uTo waitefor thefiallredemption .RTo t as figh,defring roenioyeternal!fi.YT'oloste thehabatr tiñofgodshonf,(j theplace n Verf, 127 where his honer dwedethzToernealthings aslo e&dung in<e.S`7eflofChrift,oMat.s.tzo, XXXXVIII. pPfàl; But amongal thee fanuoiiiied affe&ions, there are foure fpeciallytobemar- qAPeix3ßa ked.The firfiisazeale for Cods glorie : bywhich a Chriflian is thus affeéled, Ci.Pct.4.t 3 that rather thanGod fhallloofehis glorie, hee could bee content to hate his t Plalt1.33 owne fouledamned. As it was withMofes,who feared,leaGOD fhouldloofe 2OZZ hisglorte,ifbee did vtterly defeo lroy the lfraelicesfor their ldolatrie,whomhehad uIto.s.æ3. chofen to bee his people: and therefore in this Lord f t xt'Cor.53 P p p p , y aTlereforenew if thou pardon theirfanne, shy rr,erciefhallappeare.' but fthoas zL'hli.3.s. Wilmot,7praye theerafmeeout ofthe books Which than haft written. bAnd xealefor Paule could hauewifhed withallhis heart to bee cut offfromall fellowfhip gloriz withChrifl,and tobe giuenvp to eternalldeflru6iion,for his countriementhe Ro 9.3 lewesa&orGod sgloryfpecially. Some mayfay,tbis affeakiis not common D d4 to