Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

in tais lsfe. y 3 XL. The third is, the hatred and deteflation offinne,beeaufe it isfanne, and fpe- vatted of dailyofamans ovine corruptions : wherewith a Chriílian is fo turmoyled, that in regardofthem and for noother caufe,he moll heartily defireth tobee forth ofthis moll miferable world, that hemay be disburdened ofhis finne,& leaueoffto difpleafeGod. Paulefeeles inhimfelfeahuge maffeofdeadlycor- ruption, it makes him deeme himfelfe moll miferable, and tomourne beeaufe oRom.7.24 he wasnotdeliueredfrom it,faying,oOh niifrableman that I am,Whofhaill p Cant. r,+ deliuermefromthis bodieofdeath?Againe,itisfinnethat makes the Church q Rcue.zz,, complaine that Pfhe is blacke, that the Dunnebath lootedvpon her, and ther- 20 fore ¡lie cries,q Come Lord1efus, cornequickly, XLI. The fourthis, ioy ofheart in confiderationof the neereneffe or pretence of a Luk. zr. the terrible dayofiudgement. The a reprobate either trembieth at theconfide- 27. ration ofthe dayofiudgment, or els in the fecuritieofhis heart he regardeth it b z.Tin1.4.3 not. And whenhe Thal fee the fignes ofthe comming ofChrifl, b his heartjhal 2.c0r.5.6.7 fails him for very Bare,&beefballccall thehiller tofillvpon him:but contrari- cLuk.zt.a6 wife, the faithfu11lonethe faced comaringofCbrift, and therefore waite and longfor it:and when they thanfee the lgnesofit, they fhallxhftvp their he4ds, Lu.z1.28 becaufe the full accomplifhmentoftheir redemption isat hand. XLII. The fan&ificationofthe body is when d all themembers ofitare carefully Sanetifica; preferued fri5beingmeanes toexecute any fïnne:and aremade the infiruments donofthe of righteoufnes and bolines. So Paule prayed for the Theffalonians e that bodie. they might knowehow topofjeffe their vcIJèls in halineffe, andin honor, andnot a:67'6°' in the ttJt ofconcupifcence, as the Gentiles doe Whichknowe notGod. And Iob eTh44.42, I made acovenant with hiseyes not to bakeenaWoman. In whofe exampleit f lob. 31 appeareth how euerymember is tobeekept pure and holy. Pert: r.. XLIII. Ifanyhumbled Chriflian findnot this meafureoffanciification inhimfelfe, A confola yet let him notbee difcouraged. Forifanymanhaue a i willingnes, and a de- rage. fire to obey alGods commandements,hebath the fpirit, andhewho bath the iRom.B. 5'.. verCr. fpirit is inChrifl, andhe who isin Chrifl fhhll neuerfeedamnation.And though hefade greatly in the anionofobedience, yetGodwill accept his af étion to obey, asobedience acceptable to him. God will approueofthee for his owne workewhich hebathwrought in thee, and not reiedthee for thine. XL IIII. From fan ification arifeth repentance. Fora mancannot hate his oiNne Rep -lance finnes before hebe fanaified : and hecannot tritelyrepent fir them before bee hate them. Repentance is whenaman k turnes to GOD, and bringes fourth kA&.z6.2o. frui ;esvorthieamendmentoflife. This turning vrtoGodbath twoparts:The frf apurpofe and refohitionofheart neuer to fanne any more, but to leade a newe lire. i ltis was inDaui.d,1vvho fullypitrpoftd tokeepe Gods cone atädements,. and