Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

^r^Testiiteofac mPfal-iii and *>. applied hisheart tofulfill his flatutes vntotheend. Andvnto thisdid s. Bafriabasexhortthebrethrenat Antioch," thatmthfu ll purpofe ofheart,they rAft.i t.2,3 tyfuid rfeaue vnta the Lord, The fecond partisanholylabourin mans life& conuerfation to purifieandcleanfe himfelfe fromfinne :ofthisfpeakethIohn, o i.Ioh 3.3 0And entry one thathath this hopein himpurgethhimfelfeeuenashee is pure» pPia.73.13 This did Dauid prafftife, as may appeare in that hefayd: PCertainly, 1haue cleanfd my heart in -t)awe, and wajhedmy hands in inrrocencie. . Ifanymar- uailehowrepencance followed! fandlification, confideringit isthefirflthing o fall, thattheProphets,Apoftles, andMiniftersof GOD preachvntothepeo- Repentancc plewhome they would winne toChrift: I anfweare, that all other gracesare more ^‘^ en in the heart, whereas repentanceis open,and fooner appeareth cationin to amansowne felfe, and to the eyesof the w’orkb It is like the budde in the nature:but tree, which appeareth before the leafe, the bloffome, the finite: and yet firfl infenfe in nature, it is the laft; for a man mufl be renewed, and com to an vtter and appea- difliking of his owne finnes, before hecwill turne fromthem, and leaue rance’ them. ^ . ' : - ■ ■ a'. XLV. By this itmay appeare, that there is onemannerof finning in the godly, and another in thevngodly, though theyfall both intoone finne. Awicked man, when hee finneth in hishearthee giuethfull confent to the finne: but thegodly thoughtheyfall intothefame finnes withthewicked,yet they neuer giuefull confent: fortheyare intheir mindes, willes and affediions partlyregenerate, andpartlyvnregenerate,andthereforetheirwilles dopartly willand partlyabhorre that which is euill: accordingas Saint Paule faithof himfelfe, *11delight in thelaws ofGodaccording to the innerman, but l fee another laW inmy members rebellingagainft the lawofmymind,( 3 -leading me caprine,&c; And that the godlyman neuergiueth full confent to fin, itiseuidentby three tokens.Firfl:beforehe commethto doc the fin,he hathnopurpofenordefireto doe it: buthis purpofe anddefire isto doe thewill of GOD contrarie tothat finne. Secondly in the adt or doingof the finne, his heart rifeth againft it, yeeby the ftrengthof temptation, and by the mightieviolenceof tneflefh, he is haledandpulledontodoewickednes. Paul faythofhimfelfe,thathewas foldvnderftnne,that iS,heewasliks a flaue, who defireth to efoapeoutofhis mafters hands, andyet isfaine ingreatmiferie to foruehim. Thirdly, afterhee hath finnedhe is foredifpleafed withhimfelfe for it, andtruely repenteth. As r Peterbefore thedenying ofhismafler, hadno purpofetodoe it,but ratherto 7». dyeinhiscaufe. In the A<5t he had aftriuing with himfelfe, as appearethby this that firfl heanfwered faintly, I knowenot what thou (aiefi: and yetafter when the aflault o f Sathan'more preuayled, he fell to fwearing, curfing and banning. After his fall heerepentedhimfelfeandWept bitterlyfor it. All was contrarie inJudas,whowenttobetrayhismaflerwith full intent andpurpofe: (Ioh. 12,2. for thediuellongtemptinghimvntoit,entredinto himfeatis,madehimyeeld, 27-and refolue himfelfe to doe it, f Afterwarde when Chrift was betrayed I H I i H E U x ....... . srndi qRo.7.12. rMat.26. 69.70.71,