Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

tntts i e. SS and condemned, Tudas wasnot forrowfull forhis fine withagodly forrow, but in defpayre ofmercie hangedhimfelfe. XLVI. Fruites worthleofamendment oflifeare fuch fruitesas the t trees ofrighte- raitsofre- oufues Beare, namely, good workes:for thedoingofa good worke therebee eneanse. three things requi6t: Firif, itmuft proceed from iufiifiyng faith.For the worke Ffa.6I.3. cannot pleafeGOD except the perlon pleafehím,and theperiòncannotplcafe s himwithout this faith. Secondly,itis tobee done in obediencevntoGods re- w t.Sam. $ uealed word. u i °o obey is better than facriñce, and toboa?k n is better than the za. fatteof;1?nsThirdly, it is to bee referredtoGods glorie Whether ye ease or x drin!`e(faythPauh)orWhatfoeueryee doc,doeallto theglory ofGod. The fpeci 31. all workes of Chrifiians, which they and nonebut they truelyperforiiie,are thefe fine which follow., XLVII. Thefirfl isthe good hearingofthe Word, y illy fheepe (faith Chrifl)heare nary voyce.wdfollowrece. And againe: he which itof Cod, heareth hasvoice. Nearingof And this wasonenateof the faithful! intheprimitiue Chureh-to afletnbleto the word . heare the word.This good hearing ofthe word is the fauinghearing thatbring, lohh$i o` z eth life eternal!. In this aèlion,Chriffians are vfually thus difpofed. Before they come tohcare thewordofGod theymake themfelues readie toheare it, 'as the men of Berea did, a who receitted theword withallreadines. This preparation a dcî'r7`' a flandeth in twopoynts : Firlt, theydisburden themfèlues of all impediments, that likevnto runners in a race,theymayb befra ft to heart': thefe impediments b Iam.1.12. are fin andtroubled affeètions: and they come withhumble heartsc asfooles, Pfal.26. 67. that they may become raft'. Secondly, they quicken vp themfelues, and c1.Co.3.xY come vnto the affemblies, hungring and thirlting after theword ofGod, as men doe after meare and drir;ke, When they are inhearingGods word, firfl,their mïndcsare fixedandatten` tine onely to that which is fpoken, as d Lydias was. Secondly, they truelybe- d Alta6. 14 leeue the wordofGod,and carefullyapply it to theirowne foules. Thirdly,they feele the liuelypowerofitin themfelues. his as e fait in them,todraw out their inward corruption;itis to them thefflterdofthe ¡7iirit, i as a g facrificing knife e Mar.9.4o. f in the hand ofGods Minifler, by which their fiefh iskilled, &they are offered ggph.6. 17. tt o.t s, r6 lip in alining f crifice to God:it is h s`firit and life toquicken and reuiue their h toh.6.63. foulesthat aredead in fin:& the reafonofthis is plaine:The wordof Godprea ched isas acuppe of wine: the trueChriflian, is the Lords guefl, but beehath fauce ofhis ovine : Hebringethhis fugar withhim,namely,his truefaith, which he ternperethandminglrthwithGods word,and foitbecomethvnto himas 4Heb,4,a. a cupoffweetwine, and as wateroflife. Nowthetiypocrite,becaufe hebring- eth no faithwith him,drinketh ofthe fame, buthe findes thewine to be fower and tarte,&voyde ofrellifh, & in trueth it isvìito him as acuppèofranke poy- fon. Againe,k they !warethe wordofGodas in gods prefence, andthere`ore k Ac'r °ßs4 theirhearts arefull offearewattembling.And theyreceiue theWorde,not I as 1The.a.rg from