Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

5 8 The efdte via chrt,frn cationofhis members: (as Saint lohn faith) i the Dragonwas wrothwith thß, ?ieu,11.17 woman aad went and rttadeavarre with the remnant f herfiede, which kept the co» *i wdenients of GOD, and hale the tefiimoatte of lelus Chrilt. Now thereforeas Tooneas Chri Iefusbeginneth to Thewany token ofhis loue to anyman, the Diuell contrarievv,fe iheweth forth his enmity, and flits vp his fellow champions the flefhand theworld to ware againit him for his confu- Ton. And furthermore the'Lotd in great wifcdome permits temptations kpeu,g,2,3 to the lafi end ofaChritlian mans life kto trie his faithsto purge him ofuinne, a.Cor.rrs.iz to humble him, andtomakehim depend ofhis MaiePcy, to quicken andreulue I S the gracesofhis fj iris, whichotherwifewouldbe dead and decay. LIIL Inward The temptations olaChri(lianare fpecially fxe. The firtlis when inward. motions of 1y inhis heart, I heis drawne away and intifed byhis owne concupi/cence vnto the lefh. anyfinne. The Chritlians exercife in temptation ism afight and battelibe- I tams. a 4. twixt the flefh and the fpirit. And this fighting flandeth in foure things : Fiat, an Gal.s.r7 the flefhfines vp euill thoughts anddelires, as aburning furnace continually fendeth vp fnoake and fparkes of fire; and it eggethaman forward toeuill oMar.7.2.1 wordsanddeedes, according to that ofSaint Marke, o Forfrom tibithin, men fromthe hart ofa manproceed ettill thonghts,adulterìes,fornications,murdera, thefts, co: totcfi:effe,wichednes, deceite, vncleannes,awickedeye, backbiting, pride,foolifhnes, IL The flefh hindereth & choketh the good motions and defiresofthe pRo.7.a1. heart, asPaul faith. P fie another laave in my members rebelling again.írt the la A76 nails,& leadingmecaptit.etothe lawoffin which isinmymédsrs; Againethe fame flefh mingleth euerygood motion anddefirewith forecor- ruptions : fo that the godly miflike thebe(l thing they doe.Efay faith ofhis owne and thepeoples righteoufi cs, that it isbut as ausenfiruoescloute r The el Era:.64.6 prayersofthe Saints mull beperfumed with fweet odours, before theycan af- t R9. ..3'4° tendvo fweete and fauorie into the noflrillesofGod.AndPaul fàidofhirnfelf, iForï. ,ty he didthatwhichheedt/lìk, d: notthatheewasouertakenwithgroffefns, but becaufe when he was to doehis duetie the fieth hindred him, that he could f not doe that which hedid exaRlyandfoundv according tohis will andde. fire : eucn as a manwhobath a journey togo; his minds is todifpatchit in al hake yet when he is in his trauell he goes but flowly,by reafon ofa lame. neffe in his ioynts. I I L The fpirit, on the contrary, kindles in the hart good motions and de. Tres, and puts a than forward to good words anddeeds, as it was in Dauid. Gal.9.14. c 1 svíll praife the Lard (faith he) whobathgiuen me counfel.!: t y reines al, f11.16,3. Peach mein tht night [cafon. IV.The-fpirit rebukesa man for his euill intents anddelires, and repreffeth the forceof them, and as it were nips them in the head. Thus Efay defcribeth tt Era.; o.2 the inwardmotibs ofthe fpirit,uAnd thineBaresfhallhears aavord behind thee /iying,this isthe rray,wl&ye in it,Whêthou turnef to theright hand& heu tinsti