Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

themunwellea the left, AndSaint Iohn faith, The isráee isVietht.i7ewell ") W!.!F,s finne, Thiswas inDauid, who when he did anyeuill, hit hurtfx, me biro. d. Sarn.24.I o. Out ofthisdoíìrine iífiteth a notabledifferencebetwixt the wic- ked and the godly : In the godly when they are tempted to Panne, there is a fight betweene the heart and the heart; that is, betweene the heartand it felfea In thewicked alto there is a fight,when theyare tempted to finne:but this fight isonlybetween the heart and the confcience. The wicked man whatfoeuer R0.2 4.P S is, bath tomeknowledge orgood ?& euill : and therefore when he is in doing a- ny eui.l, his confcience accufeth, checketh & conrrouleth him,and he feeles it tintingin him,as ifit wereforge liui.ngthing that craúled in his body,& gnaw- edupon hisheart, _ there:,pon he is veryoft grieued for his fstts,yet for al that he liked) hisfins veryv ell,and loueth them, & could finde inhis heart tocon_ t,.3 t4 . tinue in theist for euer: fo that indeedc whenhe fnneth, hebath in hisheart a dfriuing &a confliéi-,but thatis onely betwecne himfelf&hisconfcience. But Pf,0.17; i r, thegodly haue another kinde ofbattel &confli &, fornotonly their confcien- Pïai. i t 9. ces prick themand reproue them for fin, but alfotheir hearts are fo renewed 1o4,11s.. that they rife in hatred &detefiation oftin;and when theyare tempted toculll Pons.7.1 5 by theirfielh andSathan,theyfeelealul}anddelire todo that which isgood; LII I I. The fecond temptation is a difquietneffe in the heart of a Chrif}ian, be- fce4 caufe heecannot according tohis defire,hauefellow flip `pith Chrif} Iefus, he ling' is exercifed in thistemptationon this manner. a Cant06.% I a Chriff lets him fee his excellency and howhe is affceoted towards him, I I.bThen the Chrit}ianconfidering this, defrethChrili andhis righteoufttes. b rerf °'° I IL Hedelighteth himfelf inChriff,and hath force enjoying ófhis benefits. I V.eThéhecomes intop affablyoftheChurch as intoGods vvineceller,that e inthe word &Sacramats hemayfide a greater meafureofthe loueofChrif}, V. But he*falles loue ficke:that is, he becomes troubled in fpirit, becaufe he ' a'trf,,m cannot enioy the refenceofChrif}in the fayd manner, ashe would. VI. d In thishis fpirbtuall fickncs he firU fides the power ofChrift iú ortin e rts,9q him, that the fpirit benot quenched, & he hezres Chriû as it werewl fpering avr3s. inhis heart, as a máfpeaks to his friend whc he is cóming towards hima far off. VII. f After this Chril}comes neerer, butthe Chrit}bancanno otherwifeen. f =1,9, byhim, than a man enioyes the company ofhis friend, who is on the other fide ofa wall, looking at him through thegrate or latteife. V I I I. Then his eyes are opened,to fee the caufcs,wbyChriflfo withdrawes e,t r,t as hitnfdfc , to bee his g own fecuritie and negligence in Pecking toChrif},his I ? t ear f, lackries in fpiritual exerc.ites, as inprayer and thankfàiuing, the deccitfúlnelfe and malice offallé teachers, i rerf;t 7,. I X. í Then hecornestofeelemore lively hisfellowf°nip withC'hrif}, Nofceling. X. Lally, heprayeth that Chrif} would continue with him to the end. LV. The, thirdtemptatió is,trouble ofmind,becaufethere is no feeling o:Chrif}at al: li