Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

0 T ee ate aChrifirn leí1he fhould hereafter fall into the fame finneagaine, and by fodoingmore grieuouflydifpleafeGod. S ,A delire euer after more carefullytopleafe God. '6 wale in the feruice ofGod. 7 Reucnge vpon hitnfelfè for his former offences : for example, if a man finne in furfetting and dronkennes, ifhe euer repent, he will bringunder his corrupt nature byfparing and moderating himfelfe. I.VIII. Outward1, The fixt temptation is outward affiiaions,which the godly in this life Inuit atii&-tions. fuffer. a Ifany willgoe after Chrift, he mill denie himfelfe, takes vp his Rune a Matt., 6. cropandfollowhim. bAnd S.Peter faith,that indgement beginsat Gods hoasfe: b i.Pet ` And Paul, that wemugenter into the kingdoineofheaaaen through manifolds 17. temptations. The exercife ofaChrifiian in affliótion is this. cAa.r4.zz I d Atthe fir(+ theyare very hcauiend bitter. d 1-10.12. 2 He fuffereth them with great lenitie and patience, fubmitting himfelfe 'r vnder thehandofG. d. Yet e iftheybee ingreat meafure,they will driue him cIoh.3. to impatience. 3 Ifthey continue hehall fèele(according to his owns judgement) the flob6 z.3. f wrath and difpleafureofGod inhis heart. g Iob i 3.z6 4 g His old fins will come afrefh intohis remembrance, and trouble him. h ` eo19 Heisfleepic,' and in hisfleep he bathvifions,&dreames,& anxietie of spirit. , 3 ' 5 fake In nthis miferieGodfupportshis faith,that it failenot,and lice thenfor- Rom.5.4., 6 k He feeling thusGods power to flrengthenhim,hath experience of itin bimfelfe. 7 Fromexperienceproceeds hope,thatÇi graceofGod fhallneuerbevtan- tingvnto him in any afflimoils to come:& as he hopethfo it comes topaffe. I Iob.41. 5.6 8 With this hope is ioÿned I a ferious humiliation before the Lordmwith trt Hcb. t 2, the fruitofpeace and righteoufnes. l t. Ifthe affli&.fions be forChrifis caufe vetodeath,then h more fpecial mi- ner is filled with the ioyof the holy Ghofi,and he is then fiablifhed with the greats& meafureofthe flrength ofChriff, that notorment isable to foyle,and tobring him from Chrifi, though the Chrifiian fhould dye a thoufand times n It hil.1.29 for it. According to that ofPaul,A Toyou it isgislenfor Chrif ,not onely to be- Ieeue ire hint,but a/fotaflierforhisfake.And this is groiided vpon the promife eEely 43.2 ofGod, © when thoupalf'ji throughthe waters Iwill bewiththee, acrdthrough thefloods that theydoe not euerflow thee. when thouwalkefl through the venie fire,them 'halt not be burnt :neither that theflame kindle vpon thee. LIX. Hence arifeth á notabledifference, betweene the godlyand the wicked, in . the fuffèringofafdit pions. AReprobate the more the Lord layethhis handon PExod.s. him,the more he p murmureth& rebelleth againfi God: it is contrarie with thetrue Chrifiian :None feelethmore the power and rebellionoffn thanhe: none