Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

in this life.. 0I 8 Neahrsof$4efpaires for this. 9 Yet byprivatc prayer feekes for Chriíl. I o fWhen that will not helpe,hee reforts to the miniíiersof the word, at iverf.7. whofehandshe finds no comfort. I I g Not recouering his lira elate , through impatience of the loue ofg verf.s.g; Chrifl,hee makeshis miferieknowne to flrangers, to fee if they can comfort 10.1 1.12. him,& hefornwhat comforts himfelfin defcribingChrifls excellencietothe. 3'4t'ß. 12 h They then are rauifhedwithhim to feeke Chriíl, and require thento h vcrf.t 70 know wheretofinde him. 13 i Anfwere is made,in the affembliesofthe Church. 14 k After this communication theChrillians faith and feeling reuiueth, k verf..z. Chriíl returning to him againe. 15 IThéChriíl alfureth him in his heart,ofhisloue & liking towards hire. 1 ver:3.ta 16 Giuing further affurance tohim that bee (hall grow vp andbee nrade the 7.verfe fruitfull in maygood grace. of cap,7e 17 After this theChrifliancomes in fuch a highmeafure to loueChrif}, thatnothing fhall be able to feuer him fromChriíl. LVII. The fife temptation is afall into fouie great finne, as Noah into drunken. nes,Dauid intoadulterie,and murder,Peter into thedeniall ofChritl. Theex- s. A fall in® ercife of a Chriflian in this temptation is this : to force fin. I At the firfl his heart is vfualIydulled andmade, fecure with finne. z Yet aftera while there by force meares arifeth inhis heart a godly for- rowe : which is when he is grieued for this onely caufe,that byhis finne bee bathdifpleafedGod,whobath been to him fo louingand mercifull a father, vvhofe faueurhe would bee content topurchafe, (fo he might haue it andob- raine it) ehen with thedamnationofhis owne foule. 3 n Thenhe begins torepenthimfelfe ofhis fnnes , renewinga frefh his n2.Cor.7. formerrepentance. 4 This repentancehe fheweth by 7.fignes. r A care to leaue that finne intowhichhe is fallen. As they whichcruci- fied our SaviourChriíl, when they were pricked in their hearts at PetersSer- mon,they hewed this care in faying, ® c Wen and brethren what fhallwe doe o A . 2.37, to befatted? z AnApoIogie,which is when a man in the heauines ofhis heart, (hall not excufe or defend his finne, but confeflè it to the Lord, and vtterlycondemne himfelfe for it:acknowledging withal' that there is no wayto efcape the wrath ofGod, but byhawing Gods free pardon in Chriíl. 3 Indignation which is an inward angerand fretting againfl his own felfe, becaufe hewas fo carelefein looking to his ownewaies. Peter when hehad deniedhis mafler,hewept and that bitterl,which fheweththatwith forrowe, hehadalto ananger again(' hirnfelfe. P 4 A feare rifingnot fomuchfrom the iudgententsofGod, as from this, Matt.2s: fie left 7f.