Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

64 Theelute of4 chrifieuo maybelikea man in a traunce, whoboth byhisownefenfeand by the iudge- rnét ofthePhifician is taken far dead. Thiswas the eGateofPeter,who though c Matth.16 he confeffedthat Chrift was the Sonne ofthe lining Lord, c yet hedenied him 16.26.70. and forfwore him at the voyce ofaDamfell. Thirdly, he mayfall againe into the fame finne after repentance. Indeede this is a dangerous cafe; yet it may befalla true Chrif'iian.Otherwife whenas the ifraelites(Gods people)hadfal- lenaway from himby their finnes,and idolatries, he wouldnot Gill haueoff.. e Efay I4.1ß red them mercie, as he dothbyhis Prophets : And e Paul prayeth the Corin- C zCor.s. thians inChriflsflcad that theyworldbe reconciledtogod : whoneuertheleflfe `0. were before reconciled toGod. Fourthly;he may commita finneofprefump- tion,which is a fearefull finne,being done wittinglyofknowledgeand willing- fPf11.i9.13 ly,and with force wilfulnefe. Therfore Dauid praied, fKeepe thyferasantfrom prefumptuoustïns:and to flewhimfelfe to be indangerofit,hepraieth further, let themnot hawdominion ouer me. Laftly,heni ay fall into'defpayre of Gods tnercieforatime,and this isa dangeroue finne. For he which defpayres,rnakes allthe promifes of Godto be falfe: and this finne ofa11 other is mollcontrary to true fáuing faith. In this eftate wasDauid, when being in trouble,he fayd, gPfat.77.1 I g this i3 mydeath. And Paullhewes that the inceGuous man might haue fat -. b z.Cor.z.z ten into defperation, h whenhe fayth : Comfort him, left he befreallowedvp of ouermuchheauine(fe. And it mutt beeremembréd that the Church ofRome erreth in this, that fhe teacheth defperation tobe a fin a;ainil the holyGhoG. This finneagain[ theholy Ghoft is ablafphemie fpokeri againf the knowne trueth ofGods word, ora deniall ofChrifl, ofa wilfull and obflinate mal ice. But defperationmayarife through ignoranceofa mans owne eftate:through horror ofconfcience for finne through an often relapfe into force firne: through the ouerdeepe confederationofamans ownevnworthincs : Lafily,by Wbat is to abiurationofthe tructh through conipulfon and feare. * This befell Francis be thought'Sp.ira, who after his apoilafie defpayred. Yet they are much ouerdeepe that of F,Spira writeofhim as ofadamned creature. For firtt,who can tell whether beede- fpayred finally or nor. Secondly,in theverymidlt ofhisdefperation,hee com- plainedof the hardhes of his heart, which made him that he could not pray : no doubt thenhe felt his hardnesofheart : and the feelingofcorruption in the leart,is by focne contrary grace; fo that we may conueniently thinke,that he was not quitebereftofall goodnes : though heneuerfeltit then, nor chewed it to thebeholder. LXI. Corrob0za- Theenure whyaChriflian cannot quite fall away from grace, is this: after ton. that he isfanc?ified,hereceiucth fromGod another 1j cciallgrace,whichmay bee called Corroboration. For he path in him not onely the fánotifying,but alto the ffrengthening pover.ofChrif+. Therefore Paul prayeth for the Ephe- i Ephe.3.1 6 flans, = that they may bee fire: gthested in the inner man: for the Colotlïans, k C01,1.9. k that theymight beflrengthenedwiththegbrimpowerofChriJl.Andofhim- dPhil. 4.5 . falfehe fayth, t that he is able todoe allthings through thepowerofChrfl that flrengthenetk