Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

intbis lift; f rengthe ethbis. rn Dauidfayth,tbat Godremedy their thatfearebim,oss the ,rnPfal. s 03 Eagle renneth herdecaiedfitrergth. From henceasfrom a fpeciall caufe arifeth patience andperfeueranceunto the ende : for when aman is ftipported by the Patience. power of Chria hemaybeable tobeare many croffespatientlywith a con- Perfeue- tented minde,andperfeuer inbearingofit how long foeuer the croffeendu- rance. reth. LXII. Thus much oftheeflate ofaChriaian in this life. NowI will adde foam A perftva- reafons in the wayofperCwafio;i toall men, butefpecially toworldlings, and fib to Chri, to loofe profeffors ofthe Gofpell, that they wouldvtterly deny themfelues, f}`anieic. and lifeall meanes to become trueChriflians bybeingmade new creatures d 2.Cor.5. inChríf$,and aby leading filch a life as mayadorn theGofpell ofChrift 17 Myfirfl reafon is this;themá. that liueth in this world notbeing,a true Chri- ian,is farremore vilethan thebafea creature ofall,euen theDog, or Teade: For fire hee is nothingels but a filthiedunghill of all abomination and vn- cleannes,thesflinkewhereofbath infeucledheauenand earth,andnoperfumes fR0m.s.2a could euer delayit in thenot}rils afGod,butonly the fufferingofChri{l being 3 a facrificeofa 1 dveete finellino fauour toGod. Weemake it verydaintie to E he..z, come neere a lazar man that is full of'botches,blaines and fores; but much b p 5 moreare thofemen tóbe abhorred,whichhaue lien many yeares flarke hdead h Ephe.s.i. inAmerand trefpa(fes:and thereforenowdoenothing elsbut rot and llinkein them like vgly lothfomecarrions. Secondly,hewhich is noChriflian is vnderthe powerofdarkneffe, hauing Sathan for his prince i andGod,and gluing unto him in tokenofhornage his ia.Cor.4.4. beflparts,euenhis mindeand confcience k to bee his dwelling pl ace : andhis k !auk. r r. wholeconuerfation is nothing els but a perpetuall obedience to Sathan. if 24 Atheif}s,andworldlings and carnaliGofpellerswere perfwadedof the trueth of this (as it is molltrue) it would make thembowie and crye,though now theyHueat cafe without feeling any prickeofconfeience for finne. And ifthey had but the leafl fenfeofit in the world, itwould sake their flintie hearts to bleed; and itwould make them (lied titters oftea es. But how Iong íh311 theycontinue in this vile eflate? Truely, vntill they come to Chrifl : awake therefore thou that fleepefi, and fland vpfoin the dead, and Chri(I (hall giue thee light : open thine heartto receiueChrifl,and thenhewill come and binde the flrongmanSathan,and call him out,and dwell in theehimfclfe. Thirdly,he which is nò Chritlian is in datingerof all the judgements of God,fo that euerymomentformeofthemmaybefall him. Remay perifh fo- dainlie by water with the old world, hemaybeconlumed andbrim- flone with Sodome andGomorrha,hemaybe fwallowed vpofthe earthwith Dathan, and Abiram,hee may hanghimfelfe with Iudas, heemay haue his braises dallied againfl the ground andbe eaten vpOf dogges with Iefabell,he maydye in hardne{Te ofheartwith Pharao, hee may defpayre with .Caine and Iudas,he may bee ilrikenwith fódaine death with Ananias and Saphira F e 3 his