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an this life. 67 butnoware they hiddenfrom thineeyes. And he further figtifieth the defiruc- tionofHierufalem, r becaufe fhe knew not the timeofher vifitation.Agayne, r VerC44 the ncgleling of this time isone cauíè,why not one or tWO, butniany f (hall fLuk.t3.z4. feeke to enter into thekingdomeofheauen,andyet (há11not bee able. It is a marueilousthing,that they which feeke tobe faced fhuld perith,but the fault is theirs which feeke when it is too late. Now therefore thou fecureworldling, thyconfcience telleth thee that thou haft not yet repented, and that thouart not as yet a liuelymember of Iefus Chrif}. And thouknoweff further, that howfoeuer thou art aliue at this time, yet thouhall no leakof thy life. God maycall thee forthofthis world the next yeare,thenext weeke,the next houre: yea hemay flrike thee with fudden death atthis veryprefent. And invery truth, if thougoefl forthofthisworld beingno repentant finner,thou goefl damned to hell. Wherefore delaynot oneminuteofan houselongerbut withall (peed repent and turne vntoGod, and bring foorth fruits worthyofamendment of life,that all thy finnesmay be done awav,when the dayofdeath,or the day of judgement (hall bee. And doenot thinke with thyfelfè that it fhall be fuffi- cient to deferre thy turning vntoGod till theTaft ende. For late repentance is feldometrue repentance. And he which continueth long in any finneis in a dangerous cafe. Ha man lyelong in anydifeafe he will fcarce recouer hisfor- merhealth ;andhewhich is growne in the cuflomeofany tïnne,and the lime is become ripe inhim,it isathoufand to one, he is neuer faued; accòrding to that of Saint lames, t fnnebeingperfelledbringethforthdeath. t Iam.t.r3. The lift reafon. Eternal! life isa thingdefined ofall men : yet none (hall be madepartakersofit, but thetrue ChriPdan, and the gloriouseflate ofthis life would moueany man to beeaChriaian..Eríl ofall,they which haue eternal! life are freedfrom all paines,fickneífes,infirmities,hu ger,thiríl; coldc,weari- nes ; fromall finne,as anger,forgetfulnes,ignorance; fromhell,death,damna- tion,Sathan, and from euery thing that caufethmiferie: according tothat of Saint lohn. And a God willwipearrayalltearesfror theireyes : and therefhiall u Rett.zt,ç: benomore death,neitherfurrow,neithercrying,reither'hall therebee any more paine ;forthefarft things arepaged. Secondly, the faithful! fhaIl beinthe pre- fence ofGodsmaieflie inheauen there tobehold bisface, that is, his glorie, as our SauiourChrift faith, Father, x Iwill that they which those haggiuenme, (e xìoh with me menwhereIam, that they may beholdmygloriewhich t" hoghagiuen me.And Dauid faith,In v thyprefenceisfulsesof ioq,& at thyright handthere pfal.;F.r I arepleafsresfor euermore. Thirdly,theyz (hall haue fuch an excellentcommu- Reu.zz , q. nion withGod, that he (hall bevnto thê allinall. For in the endofthe world, z i,Cor.r s. when thewhole niiber oftheele& isaccompli(hed, Chriil fhall prerent them 2$. to hisfather,&as he is mediator he thatl ceafe to beaKing, aPrie{},aProphet for though the efficacieof his officesbeeuerlafì';ing: yetthe executionofthé !ball thEceale,asPaul faith,a then ¡ballbe the end,rhenhebathdelitteredvp thea t.,Car, k.ii demetaGodcam the Father,rvhenhebathput dowie al!rule, all nth0ritie a:$., andporvem.Againe,atnong theelet there !hall not beking and fubiet`lfather, e 4 mothers