Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

68 Theestate 0'4C4/filar; mother,chide,tnaflerferuant,noble,ignoble,rich, poore, liuing, dead. Some will fay,what thenfhall be? Ianfwere,one gloriousand euerlailingGod, the Father,the Sonne,and the holy Ghofi fhall be in all theele6f,all that heartcan with: and defre. Men (hallnot bee in darkneffe, neithermall they neede the light ofthe Sunnne,Moone, or Starres, Godhinfelfe immediatly (hall be their Et Re.a i a 3. light; b as lob ì fayth :.And the citiebathnoneedeof theSunne, neitherofthe (Meow to Jhine in it,for the glorie o fGod doth light it, and the Lambe is the light ( Men (hall not then neede meate, drinke, cloathing, fleepe,recrea- tion,fire,íhade,reft :iration,oranyotherfuch like,but Godhit-Ill-cite imrnediatly (hall be their life, and all things concerning life byChrifl. Which lohn figni- cRe.a2.1.z fieth,vehenhefaith that he c faivapure rimerofwaterofl:fe,cleereasChryflatl proceeding out ofthe throne ofGod,andofthe Lambe ; therebeing6yeither fide ofitthe treeoflife whichbare twomarneroffr. ites,andgamejruiteeueryrtse- teeth. And whereasGod iscontinually tobe worthippedin heauen : they need noother tabernacleor temple thereunto,but God himfelfe fhallbetheir téple: iRe.zi.zz. as Iohn faith, d Ifawn temple therein: for the Lord god almightie and the Lambeare the temple ofit. Fourthly, from thisglorious communion which is betweeneGodandChrifl ashe isman,andall theSaintswhich are his mein- bers, there arifethan vnfpeakable ioyand gladneffe wherewith they are filled. e.Pfai.36. Daniel faith, e that Gods children(hall be f>tisfiedwith thefatnesofh., show, and that hefhallgiuethem drinkeout oftheriteersofhüpleafures. This ioy vn- doubtedly is infinite,and theSaintsarenot onely replenifhed with it, but they arealto fwallowedvpofit aswith anhuge and infinite feaof waters, as may appeare inPeter, who at the transfiguration ofChrifl,wasfo rauifhed out of fMat.i7.. meafurewith ioye at the fight ofit, that hee quite forgot himfèlfe, laying! to Chrifl,Mafler,it isgood beinghere: let vsmake three Tabernacles,onefor thee, oneforMofes, and anotherfor Elias. Lailly, out ofthiscommunionarifeth a perfect loueofGod,whereby theSaints loue Godwithalltheirhearts,with al theirfoules,and ilrenth,and this loue fhewethitfelfeinthat theyare eternal- Re.', i r. lyoccupiedin g worth- God, byfingingofTongs ofpraife and thankf- 12. gluing vntohim. Now thenPeeing thekingdomeofheauen is foglorious,and none can haue it but the true Chriflian, letall men account thebefl things in Phil 3.a, thisworld h as dro(feand dune tothat theymay obtaine Chrifland hisrigh- h teoufne(fe. Thelaflreafonistheendle(fe loueoflefusChrift fhewed in hisdeath and paffion. Thou art by nature thechilde ofwrath and vengeance. Sathan bath wounded theewith manyadeadlywoundof finne: thou heft bleeding at the heart and art like todye eternally. Thoubeing inthis eflate,thereis nomanon earth, noSaint inHeauen, no Angell,no creature at all, isable tohelpe thee; Chrifl onely was able ; he therefore came downe from Heauen and became man,forthiscaufe;towerke thydeliuerance. Furthermore inthe curingofthe woundoffinne,no hearbe,no water, noplaifler,nophifcke, candoe thee any good : only the body and blond ()fatal isSoueraigneforthismatter, being itieped