Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

iñ this lire_ ftieped in the wrathofGod. He therefore fubieeted hemfelfe to the death, euen the death ofthe Croffe, vpon whichhe fuffered thewrath ofGod due to the fin ofmtnkind:&ofhisownheart blondhe temperedfor thema foutraign medicine toheale al thy wounds& fores.Now therfore defpifenot thismercy; PeekvntoChrift,lav open al thy fores,prayhim,that hewouldvouchfafe th'e ifit be but onedropofhisblood;then hewitcome vnto thee by his holy fpirit, hewil wafh and fupple thy wounds inhis blood,and bindethemvp. He is the i tree oflife the leaates whereof heale the nations. If thouget but one leafe of ika2.23. him thou art well, it will Neale thee and reftorethy dead foule, that thou maift flue eternally in thekingdomeofheauen. Ifthis reafon will not mooue thee tobe aChriflian, thy cafe is defperate. It is the belt reafon that Peter could vfe to this purpofe. 4s obedientchildren (faithbee) faJhien notyour felues unto theformer lufes of your ignorance, k but as Neewhichbath called you irho,fobeyeholy inall mauer of conuerfation. His reafon follovveth: r.Pet,r. oly tICnowing thatyeewere notredeemed with corruptible things asflitter audgold Í Vecf 18. 9 fromyour vaine conuerfation receiued by the traditionoftheFathers, but with the preciousblood ofChrisl , as aLambe vndefiledandwith®útfpot. Thus much haueI fpoken to the worldling , who in his heart makes no more accountof Chrifl thanofhisold fhooes:and whohad ratherbewithout Chrifl , than be without his pigges , with the Gaderens. Nowe forthe true Mat.3 Chriflians 1 haue nothing to faybutthis . The Lordincreafe the numberof them. And the in Lord fulfill themwith the knowledgeof hiswill inall wife- dome and fpirituall vnderf}anding , that they may walke worthyofhim , and pleafe himin all things,beingfruitful! inallgoodworkes and increafing in the m col.ra knowledgeofGod. Andwheras they areat continnall warre againft the flefh, 9.10.r r theworlde, and the Deuill: Lorde Iefus firengthen them with all might through thy gloriouspower, vnto allpatience and longfuffering with joyful nefl'e.And dearfather ofall mercieplant that government in thyChurch euerywhere which thou haft reuealed in thyword, that thySainte: may worfhip thee in thole meanes, in`thatorderandcome- Iineffe,whickthou haft appointed aboundingin righteoufneffe,peaceofconfcience, and ioyofthe holy Ghoft.Amen, Amen.