Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

74 .e4Dialogtte ofthe finde examples ofinen conuertedvntothe Lord without anyvehement for- rowoftheirfinnes. What anguifh ofconfcience hadthetheere vpon thecroffe for hisformer life inhis prefent conueríïón at the houre of death? How was Lidiadrfinayed and cafl downe inrefpeo`t ofherwickednefe, likeasDauid was or lob, whofe heart Godonely is faydto haueopened togiue attendance, to the preachingofPaule and Silas , who alto euen prefently after was ready to entertaine them,and tomake thema featl in her houfe , which Thee could nothauedoneifíhehad beene in the perplexitiesofEzechias , orDauid. The famemaybe fpokenòfthe layler, andofthem whichheard Peters fermon at. Ierufalem, who forall that they hadmurdered our Sauiour Chrif}, yet in their conuerfion, their heartes were onely for the time pricked. So then God in preparingvs , which in trueth are nothing but flefhlie and flunking dung- hillesoffinne; nay,very vncleanneffeandpollution it felfe , I fay in preparing vsto be the Templesofhis hohe Spirit to dwell in , and the florehoufes to hoordvphis heauenly graces in,doth otherwhiles vfeamild and gentle reine- die , and makeththe Law tolooke vponvs ,thoughwith nolowing and gen- tle , yet with no fearfull countenance ; and otherwhiles in fome hee fetteth a (harpeedge vpon the Law, and maketh ittowound the heart very deep, and as afirong corafiue to tormentthem , and to fret andgnawe vpon theircon-, fciences. Andwe feeby experience that a botch or abyle inamans bodie,is as well eafed ofthe corruptionthat is in it bythe pricking of thepoynt ofa fmall needleas by the launcingofagreat rater. Wherefore ifGod byhis fpi- ritehaue wrought inyouforrow for finne in any finali meafure, though notin asgreat meafure as you defire, you haue no mite' to complaine : and in that you are grieved with agodly forrow for yourfinnes,it is a good token of the graceofGod in you. 'Timor h. Surely this is agreatcomfort you giue me,Godmakeme thanke- fullforit.And l pray you more plainlyfhewme the flateof your life till this houre,that I andall othermay take warningbyit. Eufeb. That which maydoegood vntoother men I will neuer conceale though itbe tomy perpetuali fhame. As I was conceiued and borne in finne, fomy parents brought me vein ignorance,andneuer Chewedmee my fhame, andmiferie byGods lawe : & I hueda long time,euen as aman in a deadfleep . ortrance,and in trueth I hued as though there wereneitherheauennorhel,nei- Godnor diuel. And thediueil himfelfe(as nowI perceiue) did often perfwade myfecureconfcience that I was thechild ofGod,and fliouldbee fauedas well as thebd+ man in the world:and I yeelded to thisperfwafion, anddid verily think it : fo tharzwlren thePreacher for wickednes &fecurity denouncedGods iudgments and hellfire , I hauefaidvntomyneighbours that I hoped I fhould befaued, and heefhouldgoeto hell : and when I was asked whether I could . keep all theCommandements ofthe law, Ifaid that I could : and being asked whether I neuer finned, I faide I thought that otherwhiles Idid ; but forthem whichwere but fewe,I hopedGodwouldhaue inercie,and haue me excufed, and