Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

flareoft Chráffian. 75 2 andall my ;neighboursweregladofmycompanie , theyfpokewell ofine,and I was taken for anhonefl man, when as indeed , beforeGod I was a vilebeat}, & the childofwrath,infpired with the fpirit ofthe diuel continually.Wel,after- ward I heard theLaw preached, & I faw and remembredmanicfearful iudge- mentesofGodvpon men whome I in reafon thought were as goodmen as I, then Ibegan toconfider mine owne eflate, and toperceiue my Pinnes,and mycurfednefï'e, and vpona time above all other, the curie ofthe Lawe made me inwardly afrayde, and my fle. h then began to tremble and quake : then Icould not fleepe in the night feafon, I casafraideofeuerie thing. If I were in myhoule , I thought thehonk would fall on my beau: ifabroad, I thought tuerie crannieofthe earth would open it felfe wider and fwailow me. I (fur- red at eueryflrawe and at the mooningofa Elie : my meate was loathfome vetomee, and I thought I was not worthieoffo good a creature ófGod,and thatGod mightiufllie turne it to my bane : the griefeofmy heart for n y life pafl made me fhedabundance ofteares : andvpon that I remembred in Da- aids Pfalmes , that hisreares were his drinke and that he did wet his bed with teäres. Andnow theDiuellchanged bothhis coateandhis note, and infear- full mannercryed inmy cares, that I wasa reprobate, his childe : that noneof Gods children were as I am, that this griefeof myfoule was the beginning of hell. And the greaterwas mypaire, becaure I durfl notopen mymindvn- to anie forfeare they fhouldehaue mocked thee -, and haue made aieff ofit. Wherefore I was faine tc`goe to agodiie learned Preacher ; Iflamed mine e- flate vntohim ; after I hadcontinued with him the fpaceoftwoorthree daies, I received comfort bothby the promifesofinercy , whichhee (hewed mee in thebookeofGod, and by his feruenr,godly and effeauallprayers : and I thank Godeuerlance I haue had forceaffurance (in fpiteofthe Diuell) that I do ap. pertaine to thekingdome ofheauen , and am nowamember oflefus,Chrifl, and fball focontinue foreuer. Timoth. How knowyou that God bath forgiuenyour finne? Eufeb. Becaufe Iam a linnet& he isboth ableand willing to forgiueme. Timoth. I grant that he is abletoforgiue you , but how know you that hee will ?youknow yourfit-Ines are very great. Eufeb. I graunt : but Chrifles paffion is faregreater : and although my houes wereas red asfcarletandaspurple,yetthey (ball bee as whiteasfnow, and as loft as wooll. Timoth. Oh butyou haue finned veryoften. E'wsfeb. Tell me not I pray you what I hauedone,but what I will doe.. Timoth. What will you doe? Eesfeb. By Gods grace it is my full purpofe , and mycarpel}prayer toGod is,hereafter to take better heed,and to amendmyformer life. Timeth. Is that enough thinke you ? Eufeb. Whatlacketh? Timoth. The fauour andmercie ofGod thatmaycleane forfakeyou. Easfeb..