Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

76 Dialogueof the E'u fed. Naphat I will neuergrarnt: for1 am certainly perfwaded 'ofthe fauour and mercieofGod cuen to the faluattonofmy foule. 7imoth.Ohfhew me that;that is the thing I earnefllie defire, tobeeaffuted ofGods fpeciall goodnes , euenbyyour experience. Eufeb. Accordingas Godbath giuenme to ferle thefarne, fo wil I flew it you. And firfl ofall the dealingofGod towards me is a good argument to me. In thefiríl commandement , God bath commandedme to take himtobe my God,and in theLords prayer he teacheth me tocall him father : hebath crea- ted theworlde generallie, and euerycreature particularly, and fo for me,to ferue for my commoditie,neceffitie,and admonition. Allohe bathmade me afterhis owne image,hauing a reafonablefoule, bodie, fhape, where bee mighthaue made me aToad,aSerpent, a Swine, deformed, franticke. More- ouer,hehathwoonderfully preferued mee in my infancie , childhood ,youth, middle age hitherto frommanifolddangers and perils: all whichdo confirme in meaperfwafionofGods fatherly loue : and that I fhould not doubt hereof where I mighthauebeene borneofTurkes , loe it was the will of God, that I Ihotild be borne olChrifflanParents, andbee brought intoGods Church by Baptifine,whì.ch is the Sacrament ofadoption,&requirethfaith,as wellofthe remiffion ofmy finnesasoffanelification andholineffeto be wrought ofGod in mebyhis grace and holy fpirit : where I might hauebeene borne inan ig- norant time&religion, Godwould thatI shouldbe borne in thefe dayes and in this countrey where is more knowledge reuealed then euer was heere orin.many places els is. Where I mighthaue beeneofa corruptiudgment, and entangledwithmanyerrorsofPapiflrìé,andofthe FamilieofLoue,andofthe fchifine ofBrowne,byGods goodneffe my iudgment isreformed,andhe bath lightened mineeyes to fee,andmyheart to imbracehis fncere trueth. By all which tliinges I do confirme my faithofthis,that God alwayesbathbeen; is, andwill be for eider my father, and at my departing foorth ofthis worldewill giue me thecrownofeuerlaflin.g glorie.Secondly, when asman is euermore doubting oldie promifes ofGodbetheyneuer focertaine,Godofhis infinite niercietopreuent.all occafions ofdoubting, promifeth to glue his ovvne fpirit as a pledgc,pawne,or earneflpennie vnto hischildren oftheiradoption ande- leuclion to faluation. Nowe,fincc it pleafedGod to call meefromhypocrifie tobee a member ofhis Church, I feek that in my feffe which I neuer felt or heard ofbefore. In times pafl,I catnetoprayers and to thepreaching ofGods word , even asa Beare commeth to the flakeçnow the wordofGod is meate anddrinke tome,andprayer is noburden vntome, but my ordinarieexercife. Iff rife in the morning I amnot well till I haue prayed and giuen thankes to God,ifIdoe any thing,it commeth into my mind to pray. Inmyprayers I find great ioy andcomfort and exceedingfauour of God, Ineuer thinke I can well takemy refl,or doe anything elsexcept firfl I aske it at Gods hand in Chrifl. Lafllie, when my mind and heart is wholyoccupyecl inworldly mattcrs,Iam flirtedvp,and as it were drawne toprayvntoGod for theretiaiflionofmy fins,. and