Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

r aCb, fl e 1 d/A 9 when you are a temporali perfonyou putnot offthe fpirituall: therefore you .muIi euer loue,but when loue will not helpe, you mull with loue execute the officeofthe temporali perfon. You Inuit loueyourneighbourinyourheart, becaufe he is yourbrother in the first flate;yet you muff obey your ruler who bath power ouer you, and when neederequireth at his commaundement you mull goe_, .the Conflable or like officer and breake open your neigh- boutsdo he will not open it in the Kings name : yea ifhe.vvill notyeeld in theKit ;s name, you may Imite him to theground till hebe fubdued, and looke whatharme hegetteth, that he uponhis ovinehead. Timis h. I vnderfland you well, As I am amemberofthe fpirituall bodie ofChrifi,I mutt in all myconuerfation followe himwithpatience, meekenes, and long fuffering,of ercomming othermens euils with weldoing : yet if the, hurt be greater than I canbeare,I mull takea newperfonon me,and if I bee a ruler,with loue fecke amendment : ifa fubie&,then in thefeare ofGod, corn- plaine tomy ruler. But furtherI pray you Foyle me this doubt. IfI (hall be ta- ken for a fouldier,me thinks that 1 fh.ould then{hake offall loue andmeeknes, and then 1 couldnot praatfe this Chriflian rule. Erifb. Yes,ifour Qtieene(God faue hergrace) fhould fend you-onwar, fareintoanother countrie, youmull obeyat Gods commandement, andgoe andauenge your Princes quarrell, which you knowe not but that it is right,; Whenyou come thither, remember the two Hates in which youare : &know that in the firfl li ate, that is, the regiment fpirituall,youmull loue them with whomyou fight,and that they are your brethren bought with Chrills bloud, as well as you,and forChrifts takehate themnot ,yet as you are in the fecond (late a fouldier at your Princes commaundement you mull fight againfl them, and maintains your Princes quarrell,and bring them vnder her power: and therewithall bee content with yourPrincesw_ages,neitherdeíireyour ad uerfaries life or goods,fauetoaduantage your Prince. So then a Souldierneed not caIf awaymeekenes,for bee may fight withhis enemie and flayhim,and_ yet lonehim. Tirnotbeur. Another thing 1 wouldknowe ofyott, which now commeth to my minde, I hauea Landlord,hefeemeth to bee a verygood man,he coun- tenanceth all the goodpreachers in our countrey,and bee rideth vitally tenne miles toheart Sermons : I holde ofhim an houfe and a little lande, not fcarfe enough to finde my poore familie: my kale is come out, and Ihaue taken a new leafe,but I bane payedfuch agreat fine, and myyearely rents are fo rac- ked,that I feare I and all my houfhold are like to begge ourbread : this is it difquieteth me,and almoft maketh meat mywitsende,what isyour counfell and aduife? Eufeb. Surelyitmakethmyheart tobleed to feehowmanymenbragge ofthe Gofpell,and yet what little fruite the Gofpell hath in them,andwhat little louethey thew, euen they which abound in rents and lands. My poore G g 2, adutfe