Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

94 A .Did°owe oft e temporali regimetìt, is husband, wife, father,tnother,fonne,daughter,m1 ris; maide,enanferuant,fiabie6t, Lord ? Now,euery perfon is a doable perfon, ähd vnder two regiments : In the firfl regimentI am a perfonofinine owne feife vnder Chrift andhis dodlriue,andmay neitherhate norbee angrie, and much ¡effe fight or reuenge: but mull after the example ofChrift, humble my felfe,rorfakeand denye nayfelfe,and hate my felfe,and caft my felfeaway,and bee nreeke and patient, and let euery mangoe ouerme, and tread;mevnder Foote, anddoe me wrong : and yet I am to loue them, and pray for them,as Chrj(l did for his crucifiers : for loue is all,andwhatfoeuer is not of loue, is damnable,and cali foorth ofthat kingdome. In the temporali regiment thou arta perfon in refpe6t of another,thou art husband, father, mother,dalighter, wife,Lord,fubiedl,and there thou mutt doe according to thine office. Ifthou be a father thou mull do the officeofa father & rule,or els thoudamnsfl thy felf: thou muff bringal vnder obedience, whetherby fairemeanes orby foule: thou mullhaue obedience ofthywife, of thy feruants,and of thy fubieas : if they will not obey in lone, thou mull chide, fight, and correot,as fárreas the lawof God and the lawof the lande will fuffer thee. Now to the purpofe: whethera man may refill violence, and defende or reuenge himfeï e : I laye nay,in the firfl fiate where thou art a perfon for thy felfealone, and Chrifts Difciple,there thou muff loue andofloue doe, fludie, and enforce : yea and fuffer all things (as Chrifl did) to make peace, that the blefling ofGodmay come vpon thee,which faith, Blcfed ,ire the pcacern4ers,for they jhall be the childrenof God. Ifthou fuffer and keepepeace in thy felfeonely, thyWelling is the poffeffion of this world : but if thou fo loue the peace ofthy brother that thou leave nothing vndone orvnliiffered to further. i.t,thou (halt poffeffe heauen. But in this worldlyRate where thouart no private man, but a perfon in refpedl ofother,thou mult,and art bound vnderpairie ofdamnation toexe- cute thine office. Ofthy feruants thou muff exadl obedience, and mull not fetffer thy felfe to bee defpifed. Ifthouart a ruler; thou mull take, imprifon, andfley roo, not ofmalice and hate to reuenge thy felfe, but todefende thy fubieels and to maintaine thineoffice: therulermufl not opprefiehisfubieCls with rents,fines andcuflomes,at all,neither pill theinwith taxes,and firth like tomaintaine his owne Iulls : but bee !cuingandkinde vnto them asChrift was to him : for they bee theprice ofhis bioud. I will Phewmymindemore plainlyby one example. You are inyour fathers houfe amongyourbrethren and fillers, there ifone fight with another, or ifany doe you wrong,you maye notreuengecrfinite,forthat pertaineth to the fatheronely. But ifyour father giueyob authoritie in his abfence and commaund you to finite, ifthey will not becruled but abufeyou, thenyou are another perfon. N.otwith(landing, yet you haue not put ofthefirft perfon, but are abrother Rill, andmug euer loue andproueall things to ride withloue :but ifloue will not ferue, then you zzrw(á vfc the officeOf anotherperfori, or fanne again(i your father. Buen fo Nvherz