Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

The AfertzQn. AReprobate may in trueth be made partakerofall that iscontained in the ReligionoftheChurchof Rome : and aPapi(I byhisReligion cannotgoe beyondaReprobate. THE FIRST ARGVMENT. whichmay in trueth be madepartaker ofthe chiefepoints of the Popifh religion,may bemadepartakerofall : but a reprobatemay beemadeparta- ker of thechiefe pointsofthe Popifh religion: thereforea reprobate maybemade partaker ofall. Theproofe ofthe Argument. THeproportion is plaine, and eueryPapiff will gratin it: all the contro- uerGe is ofthe afl'umption : wherefore I proue it thus : The Sacrament of Pennance (as they call it) is oneof thech efe things in the religion ofthe Church ofRome: for it is fuch aSacrament,athat by the aCatech. power & eñicacieofit thebloudofChrifa is deliueredto vs to wafhawayour Rom.pag. fins : & they fayb itbath fuch vertue thatthekingdome ofheauenis promifed 424 to it in the Scriptures,and that it is not regeneration,but an healingof a man b Ibid. pg. regenerate and that it pardoneth finne,as l a tifine. And as touching ontri- 4' 9.Tho.4. b ' P P gC dit{.r4. tion, Papifls write, c hachpower to doeaway finne, and to obtainepardon quæff.s. at Gods hand : the fame theyfpeake ofConfeon, which they fay deliuereth art. t . fromdeath,openethParadife,and giueth hopeoffaluation:and hereby it may peen P& appeare,that penance is one ofthe greateflpoynts ofthepopifh religion. c Catech. But a reprobate may bee truely made partaker ofthepopifh facrament ofRom.pag. Penance,annd indeede performe all in it. There be threeparts ofPenance,Con- 44-7. tritionofthe heart,Corfejon of themouth,Sctisfailion in thedeede.Al three Lumb.lib. three Iudas performed :Bra, he had Contrition: for whenhe faw that ourSa- 4."aii.17, uiour was condemned, d then he faw his owne finne, and was flriken with a dMat.27.3 griefe for his owne treacherie,and repented,andprefently after he c confeffed e Vear..4. his finneopenly vnto the chicfePriefis and Elders. Alfo hemade. Satisfac`lion, whenhe brought againe the thirtie peeces off luer which he Cooke tobetray his nailer. A ;aine,contritionofthe heart is the ground of Penance : and Papifls fay, it is not an atoftheholyGhof}abut an ate ofmans free will proceeding from fCatech. it : and therfore/a reprobate may haue it. And as for SatisfaEion,ifa reprobate Rom.Pag. cannot doe it by hiinfelfe, yet he mayperforme it by another: for fo they fay 437' g that one may fatisfie byanother: wherefore for any thing I can fee,a repro- g Tho.lib.;. bate may haueall that is contained in thepopish facrament ofpenance. difb-clu -fi. Faith is another ofthe chiefeft poynts,that is in the religionoftheChurch ofRome,for h they fay,it is thefoundation and ground-workeoflraflification. t 1. esfï6 Gg Btzt caa.x.