Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

beyonda Reprobate. 10 to toovnkindlywithvs : fhçvnloofeth our Anchors, andcutteth iiipeeces+our gables, fhe tellethvs that wemay not prefume to faften our Anchor on the rocket fhewill haue vs freely to roue in the middle of the fea in the greate(l fogges andthe fearfullefl tempefls that be : ifwe fhall follow her aduife , wee mull needs lookefor a fhipwrack:for the leaft flawofwind(hal ouerturne vs, and our poore foules Thalbe plungedin thegulfes ofhell. Laftlie,Iuftificationbyworkes caufeth trouble and difquietnes to`thecon- I I I fcience. Nomans confcience can beeappeafed,beforeGods wrath bee appea- fed,and Gods wrath cannot be appeafèd by any Works : for the 'heft workes the regenerate can doe,areimperfe4t, and are tiayned withfome blemifh of x Bfiy.64.e5 corruption,as mayxappeare both in the Prophet Eíay,andinPau l,bothwhich 14 had agreat miflikingofthat goodwhich theydid,becaufe it was mingledwith fanne. And againe,euery elan is boundbydutie tokeepe the whole lave, fa that ifa mancould keep it perfedclly, he fhoulddoe nomore then he isbydu- tie inioynedto doe:and thereforehewhich looketh to merite eternall life at Godshand by keeping the Law, trulleth but toabroken flaffe, and is like the Banquerout,that will payone debt byanother: for byhis fanne, euery man is indebted to the Lord,and is bound to anfwer to the Lord the full punifhment ofall his finnes : thisdebt, thePapifl faith,we maydifchargeby obedience to the Lavv,that isby a new debt,which weare as well bound topay to our God as the former. To end thispoint, let aman looke to be fauedby workes, and therforelet a man irnployhimfelfe to doe thebell workes hecan,yet he(hall neuer come toknow when he hath donefufficient to fatisfie Gods wrath : and thisvnccr- taintie, all his life, but efpeciallie in the houre ofdeath, muíl needes difquiet him. And truly,whenaman íhall haue done many thoufande workes,yet his heart can neuer be at quiet , as it appeareth in the yoongman, who though hehad laboured all his life to fulfill the lave thereby to beefaued , yetdil}ru- fling all hisdoings, he asketh furtherofour Sauiour Chrifl, what hemight do to be faued. Furthermore,it is the do&rine of theChurchofRome,that there isnothing in the regeneratethat Godcanhate: andthat theyare inwardlypure and with- out fpat. Adoarine that will make anyChriflian confciencedefpaire. For ifa manfhallfallto examinehimfelfe, he (hall find a that bee isfoldevnderfinne, bcompffedahout ofhune C heJhallfee hisparticular finne.r to beas the haires ofhis head, at the fight and feelingof\\hich he (hail finde that there is much matter in himworthyofhatred anddamnation too. Hebeing in thiscafe,will begin to doubt whether he be the childofGodor not : and perfeuering in this doubtinghe (hall be driuento defpaireofUods loue towards hitn,confidering that he cannot find any fuck pureneffe ishimfelfe as thedoeirin o9= the Church ofRornerequireth. Laíllie,experience itfelfe teacheth that the Romifh religion can bring no peace to the confcience, in that forne forthe maintaining of it haue defpaired.. A Mat. ro, 17. Conc.Trid. fcfi:5, a Ro.7, rg., bHcb.xz, r c Pfa.4o.r$