Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

102 . px.'Papift edits its e AsFrancisSpin* who. againfthisovineconfcience hawingabiured the trueth; and fubicribedco the doórineofthe RorhifhChurch, molt fearfE.illy defpai- Milieus de redofhis faluation : whichcould not hauebeene ifthat doctrine hadBeenea- i v fide. greeable toGods worde which is fpirit andlife to the. receiuer. For the faine Epift.Sc. caufe Latomus aDoctor ofLouane defpaired,crying that he was damned,be. { mor- caufe hehad oppofedhimfelfe to theknowne trueth. This all() befell Gardn8t teDiazii. at his death, as the bootieofAces and Monuments declareth. THE THIRD ARGVMENT. THat religionwhichagreeth to the corruption of mars 'ware ,a Reprobate may trulyprofeff it : the religionoftheChurch ofRome agreeth to thecor- ruption°pleas:nature:therforea reprobaterag trail profeffeit. Theproofe. 'Neednot.ftand toproue the propofition,the aíitimption is rather:tobecon- firmed:which firft I wil prooue by induaionofparticulars:Firft,that a man fhouldbe iuffified by works, is anopinion fetled innature, as may appeare in A&.z.;7.'. them that crucified our Sauiour Chrift for when they were pricked in their Ioh.6. 28 hearts atPeters fermon,a they fayd,Men and brethren what flailwe doe tobe Mar,te.r7 _faued?and this fayd theyoong manbeforenamed, not what fhould I beleeue, but whatfhould I doe to be faued. So then inthem it appeareth,thatitisana- turall opinionofall mento thinkethat theymutt be fauedby doing offome- what. APapift will fay-,thoughthis beenaturall thus to thinke, yet itmaybee good:for there isforce goodnes innature. I anfwerethat the wifedomeoftheflefh is enmity to Godswifedome,Rom. 8.7.and all men bynature are nothing but flefh : for naturally they are the childrenofwrath. Secondly,the vvorfhippingofGod in images,is agreat mat- ter in the Church ofRome : but this manner ofworíhipping is nothing buta worke ofthefie,h, which thus I prooue : b Idolatrie is naturals ,and aworkof thefle(h; but to worfhipGod in images, is idolatrie. The children of Ifraell when they ere6ted the golden Calfe,they didcommit idolatrie , and yet they didnot worfhip the Calfeit felfe,but God in the Can. For when the Calfe C Exo. 32.5 was inade,theyc proclayrned an holyday;nQt to the Calf,but to the Lord.And Baal,that deteflableidoll,was nothingbut the imageofCoca, as appeareth in Hofz.rG Hofea the prophet.At that day,faith the Lord ,thou (halt cal inenomore Baal. It remaineththerefore,that to ferneGod in an Image,isawork ofthe flefh, and altogether agreeth to thevilecorruptionofnature. Thirdly, dPride,anda d Manzo.a de re tobe aduanced aboue other, is a naturall corruption tothis agreeth the Popes prima double fvvord,and triplecrown : yet the outragious pomp ofthatfeace is as a paireofbellowes tokindle theeoncupifcence, and tomake the hiddenfparkes ofpride to breake out intoa greatflame. Fourthlie, Doub- ting