Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

bejo-lid itreprobate, 107 For example,faluationbyworksofgrace,is one oftheir chiefepoints. But that man that is perfwaded that heemuff bee fauedby hisworkes, muff altoput his mutt in theta, and hewhich trufleth to his workes is accurfed before God. For` casrfed isthat manthat trufiethin man,whetherit be himfelfeorother. Iere.t7.5 The feuenthCommaundement is repealed diners wayes.;Firff,in that they maintaine the occafionsofAdultery and fornication: namely , the voweof fingle life both in men and women, when as theyhauenot receiued the gifi fromGod tobe continent : tvhich gift when they watyt,andyet are bound to fingle life, theymull needsbreakeout into tnuchloofeneffe. This finnemade (frfantuan,Palingenim and Petrarch tocrie out againff theChurchofRome, Eciog. 5.14 Againe,fotne Paptffsdefend the tolerationof' the Stewesin Rome, for the a- 4.5.9. uoydingofgreatereuilkAnd in theCouncell ofFrent, chaffitie andPriefles marriageare madeoppofite, fo that marriage with them is a filthy thing, al- Seí3:a4.c.6; though Godbathordained itfor the auoydiug of fornication in all. Further- more,that which is rnofl abominable andprooues the ChurchofRome to bee an ArtichririianChurch : theymaintaine marriages within the degrees forbid- denbothby the lawofnature,&ofGods word,For in the tableofconfanguini- tie they whichare placed in the tranfuerfe vnequallline cannot marrie, becaufè theyare as Parents & children:yetifthey bediflat foure degrees on diners fides from the common flocke they may marry together by theCanon law. As for example,thegraund vnclemay marryhis fittersnephewes neece , a thingiverie ercgii a n$.4 filthy in nature , confdering thata man cannot marrie with anyhoneiliehis auunculus fillerschild .To gofurther,byCods word they which are diflant foure degrees m iximus in the tranfuerfeequal lin.e, arenot fi>rbiddento marry together, asColin ger- abnepotis. manes.Thus the daughters of Zelophehadwere married to their fathersbro- Num,36st theres fons:thisexample(as I take it)traybea warrant ofthe lawfulnes ofthis , marriage:Yetthe Canon laweutterly condemnes this marriageofcoufitger- manes,& themarriage oftheir childrenafter thé,though theybe eight degrees diflant.Thus the Churchof Rome doth ouerthwart the Lord : wherehe giues liberrie,theyreflraine it; &when he reflraineth men,then they giueliberty. They repeale theeight cómandemêtby their fpiritual marchandize inwhich they lei thofe things whichare not tobe fold, asCroffes todead men,Images, praiers,the found ofbellesremiffion offns,&themeritesby which menmay cone to the kingdomofheaué:their fhauelingPriefiswil do no dutiewithout they be fedwith money;hence comes the proucrb,No penny no Pater noflera They teachmen to beare faífewitneífe, and fo to finne againff the ninth commandement,in that they hold that Marie is theQueene ofheauen:wher Reuel.'.ar, asindeed fhe is no Queene,but lothcontinuallycall downe her crownebe- and solo fore Chrtfl with the tenofthe Saints. Andamanmay as well beare falfe wit- neffe in freaking toomuchas in fpeaking too little. In the tenthCommandement the firfl motions that goebefore content are forbidden: otherwifethere fhaIl be no differencebetweeneit and the refl.For they alío are fpirituall,and forbid inwardemotions; but the difference is that, they.