Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

Io6 . Pcpiconc'" cr whom then will ye likenGod? or what frniiitude wil yefavpofhim ? which declareththat the levees after themaser oftheGentiles ran a whoring afterI- dols,that is,lmages not only off,lfe Gods,but alto ofthe true God. Iconclude thcrfore as I began,thatthe Church ofRome bymaintaining Images,hathre- pealed this commandement. Neitherdoth it íhew leffefauor to the thirdcommandement:which alto is repealed.Fir(l,in that they teachmen togiue theglory which isproper toGod, r.Cor. r 5. tofome thingels:it isproper toGod after thedayofiudginent to beall in all : z8 this theygiue toMarie,faying,that The is allinall It is proper to Chriflin refpeotofother creatures tobe a light lighteningall IoM, t o.9 that come into the world , yet theypray to Marie togiue light to theblinde. IG is proper to Chriflto be the redeemer ofmankind,and this worke ofredemp- 8 ¡euiar. & tion isafcribed toMarie,whom the Papils calltheirho a theirig,theirmedi miff& re: form. atreili,amedicineforthedrfçfed,adefencefrom theenernte,afriend in the hour ofdeath. Againe,theymakeS. MartinaPrier`s according to the' orderof.4fel chifedéch, whichis proper toC¡.hrif}. Secondly,they hold that thepeople is tobeebarred from the readingofthe Scriptures,vnleffeit bein anvnknowne tongue, and fo they maintaine igno- 2 heLf3,r rance and theprophaningofGodsname, forthe preaching of the worde, and therefore alío thehearing , learning ,reading fearchmgof; is theglarifying oftheword,andfo the glorifyingofGods name. The fourth Commandement is repealed in thatthey requirethat theirfeaa dayes should bee kept as folemnly asthe Lordes Sabboth : For they muff bee kept in all honour and cornelineff : andmen muff reff forsall their labours, uat.c.36, frommornrng t3 euening , as on the Sabboth whereas contrariwifethe Lord ;7. bathgiuen permif±ion to his feruantestolabourthefixedayes ,fobeit,onthe Matifcor. feuen_Li they will tea from theworkes oftheirca,llinges, and doe the workerof 2,C,1 a. the fpirit. Theyrepeale the fift cbmandetnét in that they teach that their CIeargybath zn immunity,and therfore isnot bound toperfòrtne obedience tomagiftrates, Matif^..cor. for fo they haue decreed,that Clearkesare tobe iudoedonlyofB:fhops : and that c'F7.9.3 they areonlyto reskuethem from iniuries. Againe , that the Bifhop muff not beiudged ofthe'fecular power: and that the Pope himfelfe oweth nofubie- ó$ion toKings , Princes,Emperours, but hathpower tomake rhem,and to put themdovvneat his pleafure . But Saint Paule for the maintaining of the fift Commandement ,bidseueriefoule beefubiedl to the higher powers : & ther- fore the Pope with his cleargie(as Chryfoftansebath expounded it) mull befub- ieel to ciuill Magiflrates,vnlef a they-will exclude themfelues out of the num ber ofmen,forPaule fpeakes to all. Againíl the fixtCommandement they hauedecreed afyles for murderers, Mari('z.c.s plainlypermitting themwhichfeare authoritie, tohaue faftie in the lap oftheir mother the Church.Thus they annihilateGods cbmandement,yea and more than this,whithertendsall that they teachbut to theverymurtherino offoules? For