Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

tic/vow:** fser rWaíe. !O9 ChurchofRornemollofall defendetli that imputation ofrighteoufnes, which aloft of all it bathoppugned. For when one man fatisfieth foranother, the worke of oneman is imputed to another. But what? fhall one man fatisfie foranother,and (hall not Chrift byhisriohteoufnes fatisfiefor vs?fhall God ac- cept the worke of one man for another andnotaccept the righteoufnesof Chrift forvs?Trudy thereis greaterfellowihip and coniunótionbetweene the head and themembers, thenofthemembers amongthemfelues : becaufethe/ areioyned togetherby meanesofthe head. I I I. Itholdeth that theguilt and fault offinnemay beremittedbyChrift and yet the temporalpunsflarnemt offin be vnremitted : but thefearequite con- trarie. Paule faith, thereis nownocondemnati6 to the that arein Chrift Iefus. Roms;t. Yetifa man were pualifhtti for his finne after he were in Chrift, andhad the fault of finne rernitted,fome condemnation fhould nowremaine him. And Dauid fayeth, Bleffedis the man towhom the Lord imputeth no finne : there- Prat.; z''' forehee to whome the Lorde imputeth no finne ,bathnot onely the guilt offin, but alfo the punifnrnent ofhis finne remitted: otherwife hce could not bee blefï°edbut miferable. And this agreethnot withGods iuflice, when the fault isquitepardoned,and aman isguiltieofnoPinne, that then any punifhment fhouldbe laidonhim, And Saint Aufline faith,thatChrif}by taking upon him verbDo e. thepunifhment offin, not taking vpon him thefault,tooke awayboth the ser,37. punifhment& the fault.Wherfore thisopinion, thatChriff hath takeaway the guilt offin, ouerthrowethal Satisfactions & purgatorie, becaufe the faultand guilt being taken' away, all punifhment forfinne is alto taken away. IV. Tranfubfiantiation isamoufter, ¡landing on manifoldecontradi&tions, Firft,it maketh Chriftesbody t©-be in manieplaces:an euident contradiétion. For it is-ofthenature&effenceofabodie tobeinone place only:which I proue thus. Abodie is a magnitude,a magnitude is acontinued quantitie, acótinued quantitie cannot beebut inoneplace: therefore a bodiecannotbeebutin one place. In this argumentthe doubt isonelyofthe Taft part : whichvndóubtedly is mofttrue. Forfit is called acontinued quantitie, becaufe his partes arecon- tinued and knit together the onewith anotherbyacommon terme or bonde, as a linebyapoynt, a plane andhis parts by a line, a folidebya füperficies or plane..Now,thefe poynts can in no wife bee continued, vnles euerieoneof themkeepeoneonely fpeciall place. For examples fake : fuppofe theplane, R, b, c, et, to bedeuidedinto three e f partes, 1, k, 1, by two lines, e, g, a b' and f, h, which doe both deuide thethreeparts and continuetherr' i k 1 in the one with the other. Now I fay, that euerieone of the partes may bee continued withhisnext 4 fellowe, it is neceffarie that euery g h oneof them lho-uld haue one fpeiall and dittin&place.That thefirft place of FI the