Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

TO a't.r anno a theplane,i, may bee continuedwith,k, it muff bee fituated onely there where it is, and nowhere elfe : forif it (hall beefituate elfewhere, as in the place m, thenit cannot beecontinued withk.Now then, if the partes mull ofnecefiitie hauetheir owiie particular place onely, then the wholefigure a, b, c, d, muff an bee onely inone place. And this is that which theprinceof Philofophers teacheth, thateuerie magnitude bath his partes fatedin force one place, one byanother,fo that aman may fayof them,here it is,and thereit is not.Tocon- Arif&.Ca. dude therefore,this inuft needs agree toa bodie and to the parts ofit tobeein 'de one onely place alone. Sothat the Churchof Rome when it faith that Chrifls bodie is in manyplaces : i1 effeóì theyfay, that Chriils bodie is nobody: for if it beabodie, it isonly inoneplace: & ifit be inmanyplaces,it isno body.They obie& thatGod isomnipotent. True indeede : but therebee foine things, the Booing ofwhich agreethnot with Gods power, asto make contradicantia, things contradietorie tobeeboth true: ofwhich forte thefeare.For,that Chritis bodie is a truebodie, and that it is in many places atonce, are Bat contrarie : becaufe_(as hath been (hewed) it is effentiall toall magnitudes tobee inone place, and thereforeto abodie. AndGod cannot take away that which is effen. tiall to a thing,theof fence remayningwhole. 2.Agatne,tranfubtlantiationma. keth theAccidents ofBread and Wine to rem aine without the fi:bllance.Here alfb is another contradiòiionas impoffible as the former: for it isa common laying in fchooles , Accidentis e jr, elfine f..Itis,oflle effenceof=Accident tobe hi the fublance.Now therefore, iftheaccidents be,there is altothe Bread andwine : & ifthere be no fubflanceofßreador wine,neither can therebe any accidents. 3. It holdeth, that Bread isturned into the bodieofChrif}, and ther- fore it muff needs hold, thatChrifls bodie is made ofBakers bread, and yet it holdeth and teacheth thatChrifles bodie is onelymade ofthefeede ofMarie, quiteouertbrowingthe fornierTranfubflantiatiou. V. It teacheth, thata manmuff alwaiesdoubt ofhisfaluation :and likewife itteacheth, that inpraying weeare to call GOD father, whichare things quite Rom. 8.16. contrarie. For who can truely call GOD father, vnleffe he hauethe fpiite ofa- doption, and beeatfured that heis the childeof GOD? For ifa man(hallcall GodFather, andyetinhis heart doubt whetherheebee his Father or not, hec played) the diifembling hypocrite: wherfore to doubt offaluation, and to Faye Our Father t;'c. in truthare contrarie. VL The ChurchofRome makethprayer tobe one ofthechiefemeanes to Can.Tres fitisfie for fumes. But prayer indeede isan askingof pardon for firine:Now as-. pe- king ofpardonand fftisfa&ion for finne are contrarie : therefòrebythe iudge- a °d` °`' of ment the Pa ills ; prayer which is a fatisfa.ioniis no fatisfaecion. And in- dia, i;a,16. deed let as cúiiderwhatmadnesis contayncd in-thispopifhdiuinity:the poore quobeggercomrneth very hungrieto therichmans doore to craue hisalines :and tis.die, pe flraightwaies byhis begginghe-will merit and deferue it. Thefame dooth.the P °' ' Papift, he prayethverie poorely forthethingwhich hewanteth, yethee look- i + eth;verieproudly to merite no leffe than the kingdome ofheauen by it. !,. a,. i VIL,