Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

'"`withthe bri/Ii4n. 'Is beedamned with the wicked world, but in fpiteofall thypowet, paffefrom Pea.z 19.y deathto euerlalling life. Sat'ban. After thefe thy tnanifoldeafl i&ions, thou mutt fuller death,which is moll terrible, and averseentranceititohell. Chriftian. Death bath loll his fling by Chrifls death: andunto mee it (hall beenothingels butapaflàgevetocuerlatling life. Satban. Admit thou (halt bee deliuered from hell by Chritl, what will this auaile thee, c6Gdering that thou (haltneuer come to the kingdome ofhea- uen? forChriflsdeath onely deliuereth thee from death eternal], it cannot ad- uancethee toeuerlatling life. Chriftian. I am noweat this time a member of Chrifts kingedome, and after thislife (hall raigne with him for euer in hiseuerlading kingdome. Saban. Thouneuer didil fiuifihl the lawe, therefore thou cant] not come Rom.s. intothekingdome ofheauen. ycrs3.4 Chriflian. Chrift bath perfectly fulfilled eatery part ofthe lawe for mee: and by this his obedience imputed unto mee, I my felfe doe keepe the lawe. Saban. Bee it fo, for all this, thouart farre enough from the kingdomeof beauen, intowhichno vncleane thing (hall euer enter : then, although that Chrift hathfuffered death , and fulfilled the laweforthee; yet thou artin parte vncleane:thycurlednature and thefecdes ofGn areyet remaining in thee, C'hrifiian. Chritl in thevirginswombewasperleCfly fan6bfied by the ho- lieGhod: and thisperfe&l holines ofhis humanenature is imputed tomee: euen as Iaacob put on Ffàusgarments to gethis fathers ble ng: lo I haue puton the'10h.! righteoufnesof Chrift, asa long white robe coueringmy thanes, andmaking met appeare perfcellyrighteous,euen beforeGods iudgement feete. Satham. Indeede God bath made promife voto mankinde ofall thefe merciesandbenfitsinChrift: but the condition ofthispromife is faith, which thouwanted, and thereforecant+not make any accotint,that Chritls fufferings, 10.3.14.Es. Chrids fulfilling ofthe lawe, Chrills perfeel bolines, canne doe thee anye good. Chriftiay. I haue true fatting faith. THE CONFLICTS OF SATHAN WITH THE (]tong Chridian. Satban. Pr1<Ioufaieft that thou haft true faith, but I (hall raft thee and difprouc thee. Chrifii4n. Thegates ofhell fhallneuerprettaile again(( my faith, do what thoucants. Satimts. Tellme then, doetl thouthinke that all the world shall befaued? 4 Chrifiia?r. r