Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

4 froffriffirrIffft 6 Thymemoriekeepeth tl: remembreth nothing, butthat \vhich isagainft Gods word : but things abominable and wicked, it keepeth long. 7 Thy will bathno inclination to that whichis good, but only to finne and Wickcdnes. 8 Thy affe&tions arefetanelyonwickednes :they areas mightieGiants and Princes in thee,theyhaue theeat cómaundement. Remébct,that forveryanger thouhaft bane ficke : that the lust ofthy flefhbathdriuen thee tomadnes : for- getnot thy Atheifine, thy contempt ofGodsvvord,thy inwardpride,thy enuie, hatred, malice, thy couetouf:es, and infinit otherwicked defires, hich haue led theecaptiue,and made theeoutragious in allkind ofnaugiuines. t, a; 9 Thy adìuallfinnes committed partly infecret,partlyinpublique,aremolt ñlthie andmoll infinite. Remember how in fuch a place, at filch a time thou diddefl commit fornication in another placethcu diddefl fleale, &c. God fawe this I warrant thee : yea, all thy finnes arc written in his booke : wher- fore thoucurled wretch, all hope ofinercie is cutofffrom thee. ra. t.ta. Chriftian. But Gods merciefarce exceedethall there my finnes: and I can- ,t,2j. notbee fo infinite in finning, as God is infinite in mercie andpardoning. 3s Sat ham Darefl thou prefume ro thinke of Godsmercie? why, the leafl of Tilt. " s thyClines deferucthdamnation. ' .13 Chriiti4v. None of my fumes canfearemce, ordifmaye ¡nee. Chrifl'- '`a.5?.2.3. bath borne the full verath and vengeance of his Father vpon the Croffe, 4.s. euen for mee, that I might bee deliuered from condemnation, which was duevnto mee. S4tha_n. IlGods purpofe werenot tocondemne thee, perfwade thyfelfe, tee would neuer laye (ò manic a;f;ielions andcroffes on thee,as hee doth. 'What is this want ofgood name? this weaknes andfickneffe ofthebodie? there terrors oftheminde? this dulnes and frowardnesofthyheart? what are al thefe(I fay)and manic other euils,but thebeginningsand certaine fialhings ofthe fireofhell? Chri,?ian. Nay,rather my afi,s&ìionsareliuelyteflimonies ofmy faluation. kb, ta..o For Godas a lottingFather,partlybythem ,as withfcourgeschaflenethmydif Pens, ,T, obedience, andbringeth mee into order : partly conformeth meeuntomySa- 3en.42.2.t. uiourChriíi, audio by little and little, Iaieth open tonice mine ownefinnes, .Coal e . that I male diflikemy ièlfe andhate them: and maketh meeto renounce the Lom.3. 26. worlde, thyelde(l fonne,and flirreth nicevp tocall vpon him, andto praye ear- neflly withgrones andfighes, which I am not able toexpreffewithany words as I feele them. Satban.. Thyafi&ionsarebeanie, andcomfortIeffe, therefore theycannot bee argumentsofGodsfauour Chrts7ian. Indeed their nature is to bring r riele andheauinesto the foule, k 5.2.3. but I hauehad ioy in the mida ofmyafiaions,and flrengthfufhcienttobeam 4 there, andafter themhaue beenmanywayesbettered, which befallethtonone ofthe wicked : and for that catifc it isa great petfwafion tonice that l fhall not `ä bee