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94 As Expofitionof the27. Pfahne. Verf, ti s to glorifie him , by feeking untohim for this blefling ; for God undertakes to teach the godly that be in covenant withhim, as it is written in the Prophets, and they fhall be alltaught ofGod, John 6. 45. Pfal. 32. 8. Iwill ir. ftruL thee, and teach thee in the way, which thoufhaltgo. Prov. 4. I . Ihave taught thee in the way ofwifedome. Secondly, in regard ofhimfelf fiindry wages. Firfty be- caufe ofhis own inability ofhimfelf toknow them , with-. out Gods teaching : for the light ofnature is but darkneífe in the wayes ofGod. Matth. 6.23. For the naturali man receiveth not the things ofthe fpirit ofGod : they arefoo- liihneffe unto him : he cannot know them ( meaningof himfelf) becaufe they are fpiritually difcerned. This is ma- riifeftby the Eunuch , ALls 8 . 3 o, 3 1 . Vnderfandest thou what thou readeFi,faith Philip tohim ; he anfwers by de- nial' , How can I , except fame man fhould guide me. Se- condly, for his better enabling to obedience ; for know- ledge goes before doing. ?ohn 13. 17. Ifgee k,1otw thofe things , happy areye, ifye do them. J ofh. i . 8. This book ofthe Law shall not depart out of thy mouth , but thou (halt meditate thereindayandnight , that thou mail} ob- ferve to do, according toall that is written therein. Thirdly, for his fpirituall joy and comfort : for know- ledge isa fpirituall light, 2 Cor. 4.6. and fo very pleating and comfortable to thofe, that without it are in darkneffe: as Eccleí i T. 7. Truly the light is Tweet, anda pleafant thing is itfor the ejes to beholdthe Sunne. Hence we reade, that many have greatly rejoyced, when they have been taught theknowledge ofGods wayes. 2Vehem. 8. i 2. All thepeople went their way , to eat and to drink, and to make great mirth, becaufe they had underflood the words, that weredeclared unto them. So the Eunuchwent his way rejoycing, after he had been inftruded, and baptizedby Philip, Alts 8. 39. and there was great joy in Samaria, af- ter they were converted to the faith by Philip, e"fets 8. 6, g. Thirdly, becaufe of his enemies, as herehe faith in plain words: The,feeond Reafocr. The third Reafoh.