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Verf. i 2 . sirs Expofition of the27. Pfalme. 123 of curling and fwearing, the heart undoubtedly is full of corruption fuch {finking breath argues unfound lungs.Coal mines, that lye deep in theearth, do ordinarily difcover themfelves by black fmuts in the outward face of the ground : and fo doth the corruptionofnature,in the heart, bewray its dominion in naturall men,by their ordinary pra- &ife of finne in life. Solomm makes the defire of fleep the fmut offluggifhneffe. Prov. z4. 3 3. and keeping company with drunkards. feeking where the good liquor is, and fit- ting by it, the .fmuts ofdrunkenneffe, Prov. 23. 2J, 3o. So his opprellion, hard dealing, lying, and deceiving for gain, the first ofcovetoufneffe, cAlich. 2. 2. An high look is a fhrew'd fmut of a proud heart, Pfat. i o i . 5. and fo is seedling with matters above our place, Pfal. 131. 1. and humoring thofe, that may be means of our advancemeut whether by flattery, with Abfolom, 2 Sam. 15. 2,3. or by bribery, with the dorili himfelf : that for the honour of ho- mage fromour Saviour Chrifr, offers to give all the King- domes of the world, Mat. 4. 8,9. Let all Symonifis in the Church,and bribers in the Common wealth. look towards their ghoffly father : for like will to like, the briber to the devill. Nowwhen, by thefe fmuts of finne , they difcern the blackmine ofcorruption, then (unleffe they will be as the fuell of hell fire) they muáa fet themfelves to feeke a change ofef}ate. This fiefh and blood cannot effeé : for theway of man is not inhimfelf, ?er, io. 23. man, accufto Domed to do evill,can no more do good,then the Ethiopian can change her skin, or the Leopard her fpots, yer. i 3. 23. Yet with God this is poffible, (`flat. 19. a6. He can raife upchildren unto eflbraham of kones, (`flat. 3. 9. And this change he worketh by regeneration, whereby wee are born again, not ofBeth, nor ofblood, nor of the will of man, but ofGod, 7ohv i. i 3. evenby his fpirit bleífing the word, unto oureffeftuall calling into hisholymountain, his true Church, where thewolfe shall dwell with the lambe, and the leopard lyedownwith the kidd, &c. If. t i (.&c. where molt crud andbloodymindedmen,as Sari/ wasbe- R fore