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122. AnExpofition of the 27. Pfalme. Verf.t2 As 9. i. who breathed oral threatning againft the Church. The&ll Ufe Foradmonition, it ferves twowayes. First, to the god= for admoni- ly, not to think it ilrange, that the great ones ofthe world `ion. do frown upon them, for they maybreath out violence a- gainit them. They areby nature the feed ofthe Serpent, as well as others,and fo continue, till theybe effectually called; and thereforeno marvaile, though they thew enmity to the feed of the woman, and joyne with the old dragon, in bit- terperfecution againft the truemembers ofthe Church: as Revel. 12. 17. It is wifedome therefore for the godly, to prepare for ir, by gettingflrength ofgrace, to cleave fall to theLord, in the ítrongeft oppofitionsofthe world: where- at our bleífed Saviour directly aymeth. Luke 14. 26, 27. yohn 16. 3 3. And when their violence is breathing out a- gainft them, then todo as David did in like cafe, namely; forfuredirection in acceptable carriagetowards Cod and men, to meditate inGods word, Pfal. 119. 23. and verfe 9. Thewickedhave waitedfor me to defiroy me : but Iwill confider thy teftimonies. verfe 161'. Princes haveperfecuted me without caufe:but mine heartfiandeth in aweofthy Word. And for prefervation and deliverance give themfelves to prayer, as Pfd. 14o.1. &c. Pfal3Ç.1. Pfäl. 59.1,2,3. The fecond Secondly, this fervss very profitably to all naturali men, life for ad- towarn them toconfider their behaviours towards thofe monition. whom they donot love : for if, like Saul toward David, they breath out violence with their mouth, then no doubt, as it was in Saul, thehellifh fire ofrage atad fury is kindled in their breaft: which is a plain evidence; that original! cor- ruptionhath dominion in them, they are yet carnal!, fold tinder fume, they are in the fnareof the devil!, held captive by him at his will. 2 Tim. 2.26. And as, in this p articular cafe ofenvy and wrath, the dominionof corruption is dif- certied, by the ordinary fruits of thefe corrupt affedi- ons., in bitter words, and cruel' deeds; fo it maybe inanyother finne. Filthy fpeaking, and wanton dalliance, areplainfarnesofthe fireof lust : when the mouth is full of