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130 AnExpofitionof the 27. Pfalme. Verf, i 3 good, wherein his grace is certainly made evident, as lob I. 8. Prov. 14. 2. Thus (hall webe furely entitled toGods bleflings ; Pfd. 25, i 2, T 3,14 What man is be thatfeareth the Lord ? HinfouleJhall lodge ingoodnefe, or dwell at eafe (as it is tranflated) Thefecret ofthe Lord is with them thatfear him, and he will Thew them his covenant. Pfal. 31. 19. 0 hoW great tc thy goodnefe, Which thou haft laydupfor them thatfear thee, and Wrought for them that truft in thee, evenbefore theTonnes ofmen. Thirdly, we molt walk inobedience, inwell doing, ac- cording to the duties ofour places, labouring in all things to keep a goodconfciente, both towards God and ¡men. Herein ftands the power ofgodlinefhe, which hath the pro-- mife ofthe life that now is, andofthat which is to come. I Tim. 4.8. Nogood thing. Jima be lacking to him that Wal- kethuprightly. Pfal. 84. i i . What man is hee that defreth life, and loveth many dayes, that he may feegood ? Keep thy tonguefrom evill, and thy lips fromJ eakingguile. `Depart from evill, and do good, feek,peaceandpurfue it, Pfal. 34. 12, I 3. Vea to them, that by continuance in well-doing, feekfor glory, andhonour, and immortality, fhall be eternall life -- glory,honour,andpeace,to every man that workethgood,Rom. 2.7. to. The thi.d Thirdly, when we enjoy any good, we muft remember Ufe for ad- whence it comes, and liirre up our felves to true thankful- monition. neffe, t The, 5. i8. In all things give thankes .. Pfal. 5o. 23. He that offereth praife and thank! honoureth him. Thereforewe must withDavidRudy the art of thankful - neífe, as Pfal. 116. 12. 1Yhat [hall I render unto the Lord, for all his benefits towards me ? andcall upon ourfoules for the performance of this duty : as Pfal. 103. t, 2. Bleffe the Lord, Omyfoule, &c. remembring the Samaritan. Luke 17. 15, 19. who, upon his thankfgiving, was fent away with a better blefliing for his foule, then heobtained for his body by humble fupplication. For comfort, this makes greatly to all the godly, in any 11,e tare for want or diftreffc.: forfurely their God is kind to the. un- cfort:. kind