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144 An Expoftier of the z,. Pfalme. Verf. T 4 would have life,but they would not come toChriil tohave it in him. verfe 40. As on the other fide, we eafily per- fwade our felves, we (hall efcape damnation, though we make bold upon finne, the meritorious caufe thereof,to live therein. The fecond Secondly, here fee the true fountain of all that courage,. life for in- and boldneffe, which in all ages Gods Children have íhew- ftru.`tton, ed, for Gods glory, and for the maintenanceof his truth, even to the amazement of their adverfaries : as in David againft Golìab, i Sam. 16. 32,34. Pfal 3.6. and 23. 4. in the three fervants of (_od before N,ebuchadnezzar. Dan.3.. 16, 17. in the Apoftles before the rulers ofthe Jewes,Afls 13. and in many thoufand Martyrsbefore their perfecu- tors, whereof theEcclefiafticall hiftories give plentiful) te- ftimony. Surely, they had it from the true God, who did ftrengthen their hearts : and this the godly haveconfeffed, as Davidoften, calling the Lord his ftrength : as Pfal. i 8. Pfal. 194. I . and Paul, z Tim.4.17 The Lordflood with me, andfrengthenedme. The fir{f üfe For admonition, it ferve3 : Firf}, to obferve thewayes for adnoni- and means, whereby God doth ffrengthen the hearts ofhis tion. children, that fo we may therein wait upon God, in the day ofaffliction, for encreafe of ftrength, and courage in our foules. Gods wayes for this end are oftwo forts : force extraordinary, as thetouch of Chrifts hand, vouchfafed to Flow God `Daniel, `Dan. 1 o. I o. C, 8. and the laying on of his right sloth fireng- hand, vouchfafed to yohn, Rev. 1.17. Others are ordinary, . hearts of his then the and thatof two forts, outward and inward. Godsordina- "bildren. ry outward waves offtrengthening the heart are foure. Firft, and chiefly his word fpoken,either by God himfelf, as 7ofh. i. ()7,9. or by his fervants in the miniftery there- of; as Heb. 12.12. Lift up the hands that hangdam, If. 40.1,2. Comfortyee, comfort yee my people fjeak.yee to the heart ofyerufalem. HenceDavid faith, this is my com- fort in mine aff iEion, for thy wordhath quickened me, Pfal. 119. 5o. and 7erem. 15. 16. Thy wordwa4 unto me thejoy Andrejoicing ¡fly), m heart. ,&good weapon in a mans hand