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Verf. r e :lnExpefrtianof the 84. Pfalme. ofyour foules, your foules becaufe ofthe Spirit of God. As it was fail of the Ifraelites,nonpropter locum gentem, fedpropter gentem locum (legit , Cored: Aquifgr. As Auflin, 2uidfupplicaturur Deo locumfanc`fum requiris? Volens inTemplo orare in to ora, & ita age Temperrst Deo Templumfis : ibi enimDeus cxaudit , ubt habitat. Aug. lib.'extent. And Origen. Hom. 5. in Levit. Locum fan- Hum in terris non requiropofatum, fed in corde. le Secondly, fee whence theChurch ofGod in generali, and every truemember thereof in particular, have their ftability,even from this that they are theTemple ofGod. Goddwelleth in them, andhe is átronger then he that is in the world, i lohn 4.4. For admonition, here learn to take notice of Gods life 3 dwellingplaces, and to carryour felves anfwerable to his goodneffe and bounty therein. His publick dwelling pla- ces are theholyAffemblies of Minifters and people inho- lyworfhip. Towards whichwe must have David: affe- dion towards the Tabernacle, Pfal. 42.23 3. and'Pfal. 63. I,'2. and (hew forthour defire to glorifie God by provoking othersto frequent the fame, If. 2. 2,3. Mic. 4. 1, 2. But alas, here justly we maycomplain, as Lam. 1.4. The n'aies ofZion mourne ; few frequent thefe af- temblies, incomparifon of thofe, that run thick and three- fold to finfull and fham+efull affemblies, where Satan .dwelleth , as hee loth In places of Idolatry and im- piety. For comfort, it makes greatly to all Gods children, who are the true members of his Church ; -they have a double affürance that Chriftdwelleth in them, their in- ward piety, and their outward profelfion. Hereon they may fay, as Ier. 20. t i. The Lord isivithine, as nigh- ty terribleone, thereforemy perfecutors¡hall fumble, and they¡ballnot prevaile, they 'ball be greatly afbamed, fir they ¡hall not profper, their ever/agingconfufion¡hall never 'beforgotten, and vvith75avidPfal.113. 5, 6. Who is like -rata the Lordour God, ot,ho' dwelleth bn high, who h sin- bletb