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Verf.3. Ai Expofition ofthe 84. Pfalme. 27 of Chrift,who had not whereon to lay his head,Mat.8.2o Now the fervant is not above the Mailer: if it werefo with the green tree, what may it be with the dry ? Luke 23 31. In fuch cafe we mull fay , as Chrifl of his kingdome ; fo weofour comfort, It is not of this world , 7oh. 18. 36. Iet this cafe and Rate nothing doth befall us , but that which appertaineth to man , andGod will give the iffue, t Cor.i c. 13. Confider the cafe of Chi-ills Apoftles , who were near and dear unto him, yet .i Cor. a. Iii. Such as didboth hun, ger and thirst, were naked, werebuffeted ,andhad no certain dwellingplace. Secondly, here fee, that to David: foul the Lords altars 2. Obferva- wereas houle and neft to little Birds : the place of Gods tion. worship was the place of hischief defire : Pfalm. 27. 4. Pfal. 137. 5, 6. For the good things , whichwere there to be enjoyed : Reafon. which are fully fet down in thenext verfe. Vfes ; Firil, fee he had good caufe of this grievous com- Vfe i. plaint : birds will mourn in their kinde, when they are dri- ven from their nell. Secondly, fee a notable evidence of theState ofman be- Vfe 2. fore God ; to difcover whether he beacceptable to God,as Davidwas : for then undoubtedlyhis heart cleaveth to the place of Gods worfhip , as Davids did here, and verf. O. OhLordof Holies , my King, and my God.] Thefe titles ferve to amplifie Davids complaint : The firft , Lord of Hafts, fhewes what God is in himfelf; andbath been hand- led in the licit verfe : The two later, my King, andmy God, are titles ofrelation, fhewing what Godwas unto David, namely hisKing and his God, as heflood incovenant with him. In calling God his King , he doth not onelyacknow- ledgehis abfolute foveraiánty , whereby he is Kingof all creatures, as Pfal. 103. 19. Dan. 4. 3 2. but his fpeciall Re- giment by his word and fpirit , which he doth exercife in his Church on earth, which is hiskingdome ofgrace,where- in Davidwas a fubje&, being a member ofhis Church, and fo fpeaks to God as to his King : So likewife calling the Dd 3 Lord