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Verf. 2. .eln Expofition ofthe 27. Pfalme. they had fwallowed us up quick , when their wrath was kindled again,{} us. And this fpitefull wrath, was kindled in them againft David , on twooccafions : firft , becaufe of his religion and pietie , withwhich their corruption could admit no accord ; as the Apoftle Both intimate , 2 Cor. 6. 14. and Davidconfeflèth, Pfal. 3 8.20. They , that render evil/forgood, are mineadverfaries;becaufe Ifollow the thing that good is : as Cain flew his brother, becaufe his owne workswereevil/ and his brothers righteous , 1 john 3. i 2. and herein thedevill fet them a work , tohinder religion : as Revel. 2. I o. Secondly, becaufe of the honour and dig- nity whereto God had advanced him. Pfal. 4. 2. O yee Tonnes ofmen , how longWill yee turn my glory intofhame ? Pfa1.62.4. Hong longwaye imagine mifchiefagainft a man: They onely confiult to cafe himdown from his excellency. This Saul himfelfconfeffeth in hisfury to ?onathan his fon. 1 Sam. 20. 3i. As long as theTonne of jeffe (that is David) liveth upou theground, thou ,foalt not be eflatilifhed , nor thy kingdome : Wherefore nowfetch him untome., for he fhill furely dye. This ferves for initruc`tion, and fór admonition. For infirudion, it ferves two wayes. Firf} , todifcover the exceeding meafure of corruption, that is in natural', men , and thereupon, their rfr arfitil. elate in foul co. God_ ward. Their fpitefull 'hearts, an& ragingWrath aga;inf the godly, wherebynothing will fatisfie therm; 1st their utter ruine and deflruaion, {hews the great meafure oftheir cor ruption. When they will eat up Gods people, as they eat bread ;. that is, devour themwithdelight this fiievüs:lift arecorrupt: as `Pfal,53.i,3,4. And that theyare fb fpite- full minded is plain by initance, ?f,4l, 83.4. They hate faid, come, and let uscur them off from being anatioa, that the name oflfrael may beno more in remembrance: Teri nations were confederate againft Ifrael. with thisrefolt i- on. The like wee may fee in the carnallWIfraelites againft Paul, Ads 22. 22, They lift up their voices, andfaid,away with fuch a feilQw from the earth for it is notiithat he fQuld 13 Why fpitefull wrath was kindled in Divids ene- mies again{} him. The firft lite for infIru- ftion.